A Morfossintaxe e Semantica da Lga Inglesa
Por: Jessica Lemos • 17/9/2020 • Pesquisas Acadêmicas • 666 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 239 Visualizações
DISCIPLINA: Morfossintaxe e Semântica da Língua Inglesa
PROFESSORA: Andréa Cotrim Silva
DATA DA ENTREGA: 26.03.2020
INFORMAÇÕES: Em substituição a nossa aula no laboratório de informática, encaminho os sites com os exercícios que deverão ser feitos em casa. A letra K do primeiro exercício deve ser respondida na folha de respostas abaixo. Bom trabalho!
- www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-17482.php
- https://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-80920.php
- https://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-39054.php
- https://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-75196.php
- https://www.usingenglish.com/quizzes/326.html
- https://www.usingenglish.com/quizzes/115.html
- https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/used-to-exercise-1.html
- https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/used-to-exercise-3.html
- www.montsemorales.com/grmatica/Usedto.htm
- www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/English/course/intermediate/unit023/session-2
- https://www.eslconversationquestions.com/used-to/ (Responder, utilizando as linhas abaixo).
- http://esl.fis.edu/grammar/single/presperf3.htm
- http://www.adelescorner.org/grammar/pres_perfect/pres_perfect_quests.html
- https://www.eltbase.com/quiz/215_02.htm
- http://esl.fis.edu/grammar/single/presperf2.htm
- https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/present_perfect_negation.htm
- https://www.montsemorales.com/gramatica/PresPerfJust.htm
- https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verb-tenses_present-perfect-continuous_quiz.htm
- https://www.examenglish.com/grammar/B1_presperf_continuous.htm
- http://www.languageguide-online.com/present-perfect-continuous---exercises.html (all the exercises).
- http://esl.fis.edu/grammar/multi/ppsppc.htm
- https://www.learn4good.com/languages/evrd_grammar/presentpcont_exc.htm
What is a food that you used to hate but now you like? |
I used to hate pineapple with all my strength, but now I like it |
Who used to be your hero when you were young? |
My father used to be my hero when I was a young |
Did you use to have a pet? |
Yes, I used to have a cat, two dogs and seventeen cockatiels |
Did you use to get good grades in high school? |
Yes, I used to get good grades when I was in high school |
What used to be your favorite game to play? |
Playing house used to be my favorite game |
Where did you use to play when you were a child? |
I used to play at my cousins' house when I was a child |
How often did you use to get in trouble when you were younger? |
I used to have problems all the time. Usually in my youth, all that happened was the |
end of the world |
What was your country like when you were a child? |
I really don't remember, I just worried about playing all the time. |
Do you think the past was better than the present? Why or why not? |
The fact that in every generation there will be those who claim '' present '' and hope |
that the future will be better, and when the future arrives, it is verified that the past |
that was good and the present that was the future seems to be bad, but the past was |
no better than today, as each period has its meaning |
What were some of the benefits of living in the past? |
Talk about your country’s past (100 years ago), how was the past different from the |
present: |
Food: It was more difficult to consume fresh food. Without a refrigerator, as forms of |
conservation were not healthy, being salt or oil. |
Weddings: 100 years ago, the husband used to support the house and go out to work |
while a woman takes care of the house and children. |
Clothing: In Brazil, a wealth of coffee cultivation with several young people is studying |
in Europe, bringing modern concepts to the country. The fashion standards continued |
to be French. A figure of the flapper appeared, created by J. Carlos, with shorter |
skirts, abolition of the corset and chanel hair. |
School: At that time, teaching took place primarily orally, through experimentation, |
usually mediated by someone who passed on knowledge. The skills learned were |
essentially practices of collective life in search of ways to survive and perpetuate the |
culture. |
Work: 100 years ago, when men, women and children worked up to 16 hours a day |
and there were no labor laws. |
Recreation (free time activities): A hundred years ago, children dreamed of having a |
bicycle. They have access to a world in which they are already in the vehicle at that |
moment, something inaccessible. Children from simpler families have fun playing on |
the street and somewhere near the house. Marble was a common game among |
children. The wealthiest families gave their children teddy bears. |
Communication: 100 years ago, there was no internet. Communication was very, very, |
very different. To be exact: a first long distance call was made in 1915 by Alexander |
Graham Bell in New York and Thomas Watson in San Francisco. Accurate 100 years |
ago. Nowadays, we send emojis through space in less than a second. Just because |
we can. |