Atps ingles
Por: samigui • 11/5/2015 • Abstract • 517 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 282 Visualizações
Modern Culture
About modern culture that Japan has exported to the world we can mention,the anime manga the games among others.The internationally,recognized film would also be one of them.
The advanced country of anime
Animes japonese cartoons,that has entertained children since the 60`s has been exported to whole world.
Starting with Tetsuwan atom('' astro Boy'')animes like Doraemon or Dragon Ball are well Known by children around the world.Sen to Chihiro on Kamikakushi(''Spirited Away''),directed by Miyazaki Hayao,received in 2002 the Golden Bear International berlin film festival,and in 2003 received the academy of arts of film theaters of USa oscar for best animated film.In 2006,Hauru on Ugoku Shiro(''The Moving Casthe'')was also nominated for the best prize.
Recognition in relation to ''japanimations''(japanese anime)is growing increasinghy Brasil in various programs of Japanese anime such as Dragon Ball and Naruto has been transmitted.
Japan kingdom of manga
The space conquered by the Japonese manga in Asia and westem contries have been notorious,and since 1990 many of the popular manga latest from Japan in has been published in places like Taiwan,Hong Kong and Coreia do Sul.In the west since Akira work was featured,the anime sunch as transmission Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon(''beatiful warrior Sailor Moon'')increasend the fan base resulting in a large number of translated publications .Saint Seiya (''The Zodiac Knights''),Inu Yasha and Vagabond have been published in Portuguese.Many of them led to the creation of anime such as Naruto and Yu-gi-oh!In 2002 was released in the EUA the version of the manga magazine Shonen Jump. The ''manga'' term Japonese language has become common wordwide.
Recognized Samurai Films wordwide.
Japonese cinema was already recognized worldwide thanks to the filmmaker as Kurosawa Akira (1910-1998)and Ozu Yasujiro(1903-1963).
Has recently been highlightend Kitano Takeshi,who won the gold Lion in Venice film festival with Hana-bi(1997),and the Silver Lion(award for best director)at the same festival with the filme Zatoichi(2003).The film Tasogare Seibei(The Twilight samurai)directon of Yamada Yoji(2002,also made success was nominated for the Oscar for best foreign languagen film 2004,he participated in the official Berlin festival competition.Movies Kakushi Ken,Oni in Tsume(The hidden blade the sword hidden 2004)e Bushi on Ichibun(Love and Honor 2006)also director Yamada Yoji,participated in the festival Berlin in the same category.
Moreover the actor Watanabe Ken,who starred in the film Last Samurai,produced with capital Hollywood,was nominated for and Oscar foe best supporting actor ,after 37 years without any indication for Japonese actor Zatoichi,Tasogare Seibei and Last Samurai are all samurai movies.
Digital entertainment systems
The devide for video game Famicon (Family computer)spread is rapdly since its launch in 1983,having become the center of entertainment for children and even for adults.
Game software ,such as Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy,made huge succes establishing market for household appliances games.