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ATPS ingles II etapa 1 e 2

Por:   •  6/10/2015  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  752 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  314 Visualizações

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Campo Grande/MS

Setembro de 2015

Fernanda dos Anjos

Giovanna Paula Coelho

Joana Mara do Nascimento

  Nicelly Garcia

José Marcos Tancredo

Renan Lopes


Trabalho de Língua Inglesa II apresentado em cumprimento das exigências para obtenção parcial de nota do Curso de Licenciatura em Letras da Universidade Anhanguera-Uniderp, sob a orientação da ProfaMa. GlauceSoaresCasimiro.

Campo Grande/MS

Setembro de 2015

Passo 1

Pesquisar sobre o conceito de Inglês Instrumental, em bibliotecas de sua cidade ou sites disponíveis na internet.

The English Instrumental or ESP (English for Specific Purposes)

The English Instrumental or ESP is how to teach reading a text in English without fluency in the language. Some of the techniques used are:

- Recognition of cognate words;

- Use of quotes that demonstrate quote;

- World Knowledge is the baggage we carry with us throughout our journey;

- Use of pronouns: (I, you, He, she, etc.), (him, her, etc.) and (this, that, etc.) to demonstrate who the author is talking about.

- Linking words: conjunctions (and, but, etc.);

According to Swales (1995), the year 1962 was marked as the beginning of the instrumental teaching English in the modern world with the publication of the article "Some measurable characteristics of modern scientific prose" of Barber.

The reader is seen as an active subject in the reading of a text in English with the instrumental techniques. It does not have a name of the person who implemented this technique, since according to documents read to the assembly of the ATPs, says the English Instrumental was developed in a natural way.

In Brazil, the technique was studied by historian Antonieta Celani (1983). The English Instrumental arrived in Brazil around 1970, in the universities.

With the large number of requests to be taught the English Instrumental classes showed that there was not enough qualified teachers. Thus, Antonieta Celani along with the British Council, Ministry of Education and British and American linguists have established an outreach project to train teachers.

Since then the use of English Instrumental has been inserted in the University students railings, always prioritizing the development of the instrumental reading ability.

Use and grammatical rules of direct and indirect objects

How to identify if the phrase has direct or indirect object? The phrase is observed and with some tricks is easier to find them.

In one sentence may be the indirect and direct object, as in the following example.

Passo 2

1 Pesquisar sobre os usos e regras gramaticais dos objetos: direto e indireto em inglês, em bibliotecas de sua cidade ou sites disponíveis na internet.

Use of grammatical rules of indirect and direct object

I gave John the book.

To identify direct and indirect objects, the following questions can be asked:

Who gave? I (subject)

I gave what? The book (Direct object)

I gave the book for who? John (Indirect object).

Pode ser utilizadas preposições para inserir o objeto indireto, como por exemplo:

He handed his room key to the recepcionist.

Who handed? He (subject)

He handed what? Key (Direct Object)

He handed the key for who? The recepcionist (Indirect Object)

Se o objeto indireto estiver antes do objeto direto não se usa preposição, exemplo:


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