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Cause and Effect Essay

Por:   •  12/9/2016  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  484 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  260 Visualizações

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Cause and Effect Essay


        Mental disorders and it’s deprivations can take many forms. Some of them can ruin lives of those who have them, others are milder, and cause almost no problems to a person. Among mental disorders that don’t fully incapacitate an individual, we should mention autismo. Though its nature and causes are not yet entirelly studied, it’s not a secret that people with autism can live an almost normal life. Still, there are problems and difficulties that a person with autismo suffers.

        The majority of problems caused by autismo is related to communicating with other people, understanding them, and participating in social interaction. These problems start from childhood, children with autism usually to show more interest in otgher sounds rather than in the sound of people talking. This usually makes autistic children look distracted, or ignoring what other people say. It does not mean they can’t normally communicate. Autistic people can use extensive vocabulary and long sentences. But at the same time, non-verbal communication, such as body language or facial expressions is often ignored and unused by them. This causes autistic people to be misunderstood.

        Other problem that autistic people face is a lack of empathy. Empathy is an ability to understand what other people feel and many autistic people lack the ability to see things from another person’s perspective. People usually start to develop this skill at the age of five: at this age, children can develop insights into other people’s feelings and. An autist, however, has little to none of these interpretation skills, and remains ignorant about intentions, feelings, and motives of people surrounding them. Autism not only causes other people to misunderstand an autist, it also makes it harder for an autist to undertend people better, making the communication even worse.

        Because of autism, people with this disorder usually need being surrounded by a specific environment, in which they would feel comfortable. Autistic individuals often need rigid situations, they get really attached to specific routines or rituals, and even the slightest change in them can make them have episodes aggression or stupor and self-isolation. Autistic people often develop repetitive movements with fingers, hands, or the whole body, so it is important that people do make fun of autistic person’s habits in any way.

        Autism changes an individual’s life in an extremely specific way. The main complications are related to communication and interaction with other people, because of the difficulties of this disorder, for an autist it is hard to understand other people. At the same time, other people also have problems with understanding and autistic person. This isolation is deepened by an autistic person’s need for a special environment and rigid conditions around them.



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