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Língua Inglesa – Estrutura Sintática II

Atividade Estruturada II



Pesquisar sobre a forma e os quatro tipos de "Phrasal verbs”.

Competências / habilidades:

Capacidade crítica em relação ao conteúdo aprendido.


Phrasal verbs are a common verb form in the English language. Also called verb-particle constructions, the simplest definition of phrasal verbs is a verb plus one or more p-words. Other common definitions of the English phrasal verb include the following descriptions:

• an English verb followed by one or more particles where the combination behaves as a syntactic and semantic unit

• a verb and one or more additional words, having the function of a verb

• a verb plus a preposition or adverb which creates a meaning different from the original verb • idiomatic expressions, combining verbs and prepositions to make new verbs whose meaning is often not obvious from the dictionary definitions of the individual words

• formed by a verb phrase followed by a marooned preposition, the phrasal verb forms a semantic constituent whose meaning is not determined by the verb phrase or preposition as individual parts but rather by the whole phrasal verb as a single lexical item English phrasal verbs additionally fall into four different categories based on transitivity and separability:

• Intransitive

• Non-separable transitive

• Optionally separable transitive

• Obligatorily separable transitive

Discuss the form of phrasal verbs in the English language as well as the differences between the four types of phrasal verbs.

Intransitive- It does not take an object.

Ex.: drift off – to gradually start to sleep as tim started telling has about his holiday for the third time, she closed he eyes and drift off

Non-separable transitive – the objectcan only be placed after the phrasal verb.

Ex.: see to – to dual with something that nuds doing or to help someone who nuds your help the cat nud fuding twice a dog, but Paula’s swing to that.

Optionally separable transitive- the object can be placed after the phrasal verbs or between the two parts of the phrasal verbs.

Ex.: flag down- to make a vehicle stop by waring at the driver a police officer flagged the car down.

We tried to flag down a taxi but they were all full.

Obrigatory separable transitive – when the direct object is a pronoun ( me, you, him, her, us, them, it) the phrasal verb must be separable with the proposition in the middle.

Ex.: pick up – to collect someone who is waiting for you, or to collect something that you have left somewhere ou that you have the


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