Ingles Business
Ensaios: Ingles Business. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: fe.silva • 7/11/2013 • 443 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 258 Visualizações
Jill: Ok, Tony, let’s move on. Have a look at the list of ___________ competencies. Which do think you’ve ________ over the last few months?
Tony: Well, this is the first time that I’ve had to ________ a group of people. I’ve done a lot of work with my ______ over the last six months. This has all been quite new for me and it’s been _______ but also really rewarding.
J: What aspects have you found particularly useful, or _________?
T: Well, organizing the _______ campaign for the European tour for the Bosnian group was a lot fun. It was tough, but I felt we _______ a lot given that it was all quite last minute, and the ________ weren’t easy, as you know.
J: Yes, Ok. I think you had a lot of support from your ________ on that, didn’t you?
T: Yes, the team were great, working all hours, _________ Hannah, who’s so new to the job. I think she really ______ to the challenge of ______ with the press.
J: That was good. She’s doing well. How did you make sure she was given all the _______ she needed?
T: Well, we had regular _______ meetings every week so that she could tell me about any problems or _______ she had. I also always made sure that I was _________ for her when she needed me; she found it really difficult in the ________ to assert ______ and not let the journalists get the _____ hand. She would often come to me and we would work ________ on what she was going to say to them.
J: Yes, that seems to have been a _________ that worked. Was there anything that you don’t think you ______ particularly well with regards to the Bosnian project?
T: In the beginning, as I said, it was all quite last minute – I was always so busy _______ with other stuff, you know, _________ all the other projects, that ______ it really hard to plan ahead.
J: Can you think of a specific example?
T: Yes, The one that _______ in my mind the most was when I was trying to _________ the transport for the French leg of their tour. At one _____ I got so far behind that we almost had to _________ a couple of their concert dates because I had forgotten to book. Their ___________ for the next town. Karla had to spend a lot of time on the phone calling hotels so that they had ________ to stay. I dread to think where they might have ended up ________! It could have been really embarrassing.
J: Yes, I ________ Tony. What do you think _____ help you in this…?