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Exames: Inglês Aplicado. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: tjbarboza • 23/5/2014 • 1.134 Palavras (5 Páginas) • 569 Visualizações
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Utilizando a estratégia de leitura skimming, leia um texto sobre o voo KA330 da companhia aérea Dragonair, de Hong Kong.
Text - Investigators to probe terror flight
Senior air staff will today launch an investigation after a flight from Hong Kong with 300 passengers on board suffered severe damage to its nose cone and cockpit windscreens during an electrical storm. Dragonair Flight KA330 turned back shortly before landing at Beijing airport on Saturday after encountering atrocious weather.
In similar situations investigators are asked to satisfy themselves that conditions along the route were adequate when the plane took off; whether evasive action could not have been taken sooner; whether the plane was fully airworthy to return to Hong Kong; and whether people's lives were put at risk unnecessarily.
The TriStar's nose cone, which houses its radar system, was torn open, one windscreen was shattered and another was damaged. An aviation expert said it was rare for such damage to occur. Usually, he said, lightning was discharged by special conductors around the outer skin of the plane.
Among those on board was the British Ambassador to Beijing, Sir Robin McLaren, who was returning to the Chinese capital for more Sino-British talks. Simon Heale, chief operating officer for Dragonair, said a review of how the pilot handled the problem would be conducted.
This would be carried out by experts from Cathay Pacific, a 43 per cent shareholder of Dragonair and supplier of the pilot for Flight KA330. He said he could see no reason to prepare a report for the Civil Aviation Department (CAD).
Mr Heale added that the weather forecast was perfectly acceptable when the pilot took off. When he approached Beijing, eight Chinese aircraft were being diverted to other airfields. "The pilot decided to return to Hong Kong where he could do an auto-land. He had enough fuel to return. I think the issue for the pilot was visibility. His windscreen was cracked."
"We only have an agreement to land the TriStars at Beijing or Shanghai. Once you decide to divert, there's not a major difference between Hong Kong and Shanghai. I have not heard that the plane was unsafe." The director of the CAD, Mr P. K. N. Lok, and an assistant director in the CAD Safety Regulation Division, Mr P. J. Birkett, said they had heard nothing about the incident.
Passengers gave harrowing accounts of the six-hour journey on Saturday which left them shaken and fearing for their lives. Several of them questioned the wisdom of allowing the flight to take off at all. Meike Laesch, 24, a production manager for an advertising company in Germany, wished she had taken the train. "I saw people praying and I got really scared. Passengers were screaming," she said.
Flight KA330 carrying about 300 passengers took off late from Kai Tak airport at 4.10 pm. At about 7.10 pm the pilot announced that the plane would be landing at Beijing in 17 minutes. "All of a sudden we ran into turbulence. It was like a roller coaster ride," one passenger said.
After half-an-hour, the pilot announced that he was heading back to Hong Kong. "As we came into land at Hong Kong we could see fire engines lined up on standby. Everyone clapped their hands when we came down. It was a smooth landing," a passenger said.
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Neste momento, utilize a estratégia de leitura scanning, pois você deve selecionar algumas informações específicas do texto, “Investigators to probe terror flight”, conforme indicação que segue.
Releia o texto que descreve sobre o voo KA330 da companhia aérea Dragonair, de Hong Kong e identifique as seguintes informações: (10,0 pontos)
a) breve abordagem sobre o que aconteceu com a aeronave Dragonair voo KA330, segundo o senior air staff;
b) questões que normalmente surgem a partir deste tipo de situação;
c) as partes danificadas da aeronave;
d) a opinião do Sr. Heale’s sobre o acidente e a decisão do piloto de retornar