Literatura norte americana II
Por: Gloria Rosa • 26/10/2015 • Trabalho acadêmico • 337 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 419 Visualizações
Aluno: Gloria Regina de Farias Rosa | Matrícula: 2008030186 | |
Disciplina: Literatura Norte-Americana II | ||
Professor (a) Tutor (a) : Rosângela | ||
Campus/ Pólo: Centro | Data: 22/10/2011 | Nota: |
Off Mice and Man – John Steinbeck -1937
The story is about the relationship between twomen, George Milton and Lennie Small. The first, small and intelligent, the other big and stupid.They are farm workers in the United States in the 30s. They go from farm to farm looking for work. They have no family or home, just each other. The character of Lennie, can be best seen by his speech, when the friend asks you about killed the rats which usually carry:
George is responsible for Lennie. They metthrough the latter's aunt and became great friends. One day, they find new employment. On the farm, just know Crespinho, the owner's son, arrogant guy, a former fighter, whose life purpose is to beat someone. Likewise, are Candy, an old employee without the right hand, and Crooks, the black who takes care ofhorses, which due to the color of the skin is broken and has to sleep in the barn.
In telling his dream to Candy and Crooks,George finally sees the possibility of making itreal, since, adding that everyone has the money, you can buy the land.
However, when they are close to achieving his dream, is a tragedy. Crespinho's wife, dissatisfied with the marriage, dwarfed by the routine, which searches a drain existential other men, finds Lennie in the barn. They talk. Lenniecaress her hair. More and more ... and more.Until, desperate, she screams. He, frightened,tries to stop her and, by accident, ends upbreaking his neck. Terrified, he flees.
Others discover. The hunt begins. Crespinhosays it will kill Lennie. George, realizing the gravity of what happened, steals a gun and also seeks to Lennie. Find it. And given theinevitability of the situation, kills his friend, to spare him the wrath of Crespinho.