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Modelo de Carta de Candidatura

Por:   •  31/8/2023  •  Ensaio  •  1.027 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  81 Visualizações

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June 27, 2018

To Whom it May Concern:

        My name is Christina Wilson (formerly Folchi) and I am writing to ask for your consideration in assisting a young man to attend Cairn University.  First, I would like to share a little bit of my story.  I graduated from Cairn (then PBU) in 2009 after completing my Masters in Education with an International specialization.  I attended Cairn with the goal of going into long-term missions after graduation, knowing that training in Biblical Studies and education would be highly beneficial in working overseas, and I really appreciated the amount of support and value that was consistently placed on missions during my time there.

        I had the privilege of taking a class taught by Linda Ruth Paskell during my studies, and throughout that year began to develop a friendship with her.  We headed up an art club together, called Creative Expression Art Outreach, with the goal of using art as not only a form of expression but also as a form of worship and a way to impact both our local and global communities for Christ.

        Shortly after I graduated from Cairn, I moved to Mozambique with a missions organization called Iris Ministries to teach preschool and art at their orphanage.  It was there that I had the incredible honor of meeting a very special young man named Ulisses.  I met Ulissses in 2011, when he was just 12 years old, while I was staying with a Mozambican family in a village in the north of Mozambique.  He did not live at the orphanage, but close by with his family.  It was immediately clear to me that this young man stood out above anyone else I had met.  He had a deep hunger for learning and a strong passion for his family, his community, and his country.  I spent a few days in his village and the whole time I was there he was asking for help to learn English.  He soaked up everything that he heard, and my friend was able to leave a Portuguese-English dictionary with him when we left.  It was almost a year before I saw him again, and during that year he had used that dictionary and any other aid he could find to teach himself English.  Ulisses’ dedication at such a young age was quite inspiring.

        I was able to spend a lot of time with Ulisses and his family for a few years, as I worked in Mozambique until the end of 2014 before I was transferred to Madagascar. During this time I learned that the people from Ulisses’ village all call him “Moses”.  As he told me this one day and said he didn’t know why they called him Moses, I remember saying it is because you are a great leader and are going to do a lot for your people.  

Linda Paskell was able to come out to Mozambique for a visit one summer and was involved in ministering there.  I took her to meet Ulisses as I really believe he has a strong calling from God upon his life.  She too was overwhelmed by the heart and passion he has for education and others.  His family is a close knit family and are all believers, very supportive of Ulisses and his dreams.  In the last few years, Ulisses has not only become fluent in English of his own ambition, but has also been learning French, teaching English to the people in his village in his spare time, has been hired to teach English to the students at another local school, and has consistently been at the top of his class academically.  He is an exceptional young man to have accomplished all of this before turning 18, and he has great dreams to go further with his education so that he can be more well-equipped to teach, help, and minister among his community and his country.  There is a lot of poverty in Mozambique, and many people struggle to survive and thrive there.  Ulisses has just graduated from high school this past year and is praying about the opportunities for his future.


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