O Maritime English
Por: Isabelle Benevides • 29/5/2019 • Resenha • 270 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 189 Visualizações
Indetification of stations
coast radio station, VTS station, Pilot service station
To coast radio station : Colombo radio
To VTS Station : Gris Nez Traffic
To Pilot Service Station : Sabine Pilot
. If the name or call-sign of a ship is not known, it should be adressed by the phrase : "All ships (in... Area)", followed by one or more of the following:
1) Ship type and special features
3)Course and speed
. These elements should be spoken in that order!!!!
. A portable station (e.g a hand-held set) must identify itself by the name of its parent station, followed either by the location in wich it is operating or by a naumber.
.e.g Name of parent station (in this case a ship); WHITEGATE
.Bow of ship WHITEGATE identifys itself as: WHITEGATE
Some abreviations:
ETD - Estimated time of departure
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
LPG- Liquified Petroleum Gas
LNG - Liquified Natural Gas
ITU - International Telecommunication Union
ULCC - Ultra Large Crude Carrier
VLCC - Very Large Crude Carrier
UTC - Universal Time Coordinated
GMDSS - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
DSC - Digital Selective Calling
IALA - International Association of Lighthouse Authority
EPIRB - Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon
LASH - Lighter Aboard Ship
OBO - Oil Bulk Ore Ship
RoRo - Roll-on Roll-off
SATCOM - Satellite Communication
SATNAV - Satellite Navigation
The The Decimal point is expressed by the worf decimal or point.
.Each digit must be given separately
.If the numer is a whole thousand, e.g. 25,000, the number of thousands is given by separate digits followed by the word thousand. If it is not a whole thousand e.g. 25,256, it is given by separate digits without using the word thousand.
ex.: 25,000 = Two-Five-Thousand
25,256 = Two-Five-Two-Five-Six
250,000 = Two-Five-Zero-Thousand