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LM02005 – Panorama Histórico da Língua Inglesa

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. According to the Biblical myth, how many languages were there on earth?
  2. And what myth is this?
  3. What means Babel?
  4. Who was the scholar who affirmed that the European languages and the Sanskrit have the same origin?
  5. Who demonstrated the relationship among the Indo-European languages?
  6. Where did the Proto-Indo-European come from 7,000 years ago?
  7. Who were the first peoples to land Britain 5000 years ago?
  8. And what did they build?
  9. What is the biggest stone circle built in Britain?
  10. Who were the next invaders who came in three stages, between 600 BC and 100 BC?
  11. Who wrote about Britain in Gallic War?
  12. When did Julius Cesar invade Britain?
  13. After Julius Cesar, who reconquered Britain in 43 AD?
  14. In 120 A.D, who went on an expedition against Picts (Celtic people)?
  15. What means Sandwich?
  16. Who asked Germanic tribes to fight against the Celts?
  17. Who were Hengest and Horse?
  18. Who settled in Britain in 5th century?
  19. What is the name given by the Angles for their country?
  20. What are the dialects from the Old English period?
  21. What is the writing system used by the Anglo-Saxons?
  22. What is the other name for runes?
  23. Which language contains nominative, genitive, dative and instrumental cases?
  24. Which classes of speech were declined?
  25. What are kennings?
  26. Who wrote Beowulf poem?
  27. When Beowulf epic poem was written?
  28. How many lines does Beowulf have?
  29. Which people invaded Britain around 750 to 1050?
  30. When did Vikings raid Abbey Lindisfarne?
  31. Who was the king of East Anglia?
  32. Who defeated the Danes in the Battle of Edington?
  33. What was the Danes’ language?
  34. Which words came from the Old Norse to the English?
  35. Who lead the Norman Conquest?
  36. When happened the Norman Conquest?
  37. Which Anglo-Saxon words veal, pork, mutton, venison and poultry correspond to?
  38. When English replaced French as official language in Britain?
  39. Which events contributed to the English language return?
  40. What is the Middle English period?
  41. What happened to the English during the Middle English period?
  42. Did the Middle English have words from which languages?
  43. Give examples of Middle English words that came from Old English, Norman French and Latin.
  44. Give examples of words from Norman French:
  45. Give examples of words from Old English:
  46. Give examples of words from Old Norse:
  47. Give examples of words from Latin:
  48. Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?
  49. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote the tales in the dialect of London. What is the name of this dialect?
  50. Who brought the printing press to Britain?
  51. What are the sounds affected by the Great Vowel Shift?
  52. Which sound in Modern English replaced the Old English /i:/ sound?
  53. Give definitions of Reformation and Renaissance periods.
  54. What means inkhorn?
  55. When and where was Shakespeare born?
  56. Cite some Shakespeare’s expressions?
  57. Cite some of the Bible expressions.
  58. Who proposed the English spelling reformation?
  59. Who wrote Dictionary of the English Language from 1755?
  60. Who published An American Dictionary of the English Language and the Oxford English Dictionary?


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