Por: Rodrigo Nunes • 27/10/2021 • Trabalho acadêmico • 519 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 211 Visualizações
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LM02005 – Panorama Histórico da Língua Inglesa
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
- According to the Biblical myth, how many languages were there on earth?
- And what myth is this?
- What means Babel?
- Who was the scholar who affirmed that the European languages and the Sanskrit have the same origin?
- Who demonstrated the relationship among the Indo-European languages?
- Where did the Proto-Indo-European come from 7,000 years ago?
- Who were the first peoples to land Britain 5000 years ago?
- And what did they build?
- What is the biggest stone circle built in Britain?
- Who were the next invaders who came in three stages, between 600 BC and 100 BC?
- Who wrote about Britain in Gallic War?
- When did Julius Cesar invade Britain?
- After Julius Cesar, who reconquered Britain in 43 AD?
- In 120 A.D, who went on an expedition against Picts (Celtic people)?
- What means Sandwich?
- Who asked Germanic tribes to fight against the Celts?
- Who were Hengest and Horse?
- Who settled in Britain in 5th century?
- What is the name given by the Angles for their country?
- What are the dialects from the Old English period?
- What is the writing system used by the Anglo-Saxons?
- What is the other name for runes?
- Which language contains nominative, genitive, dative and instrumental cases?
- Which classes of speech were declined?
- What are kennings?
- Who wrote Beowulf poem?
- When Beowulf epic poem was written?
- How many lines does Beowulf have?
- Which people invaded Britain around 750 to 1050?
- When did Vikings raid Abbey Lindisfarne?
- Who was the king of East Anglia?
- Who defeated the Danes in the Battle of Edington?
- What was the Danes’ language?
- Which words came from the Old Norse to the English?
- Who lead the Norman Conquest?
- When happened the Norman Conquest?
- Which Anglo-Saxon words veal, pork, mutton, venison and poultry correspond to?
- When English replaced French as official language in Britain?
- Which events contributed to the English language return?
- What is the Middle English period?
- What happened to the English during the Middle English period?
- Did the Middle English have words from which languages?
- Give examples of Middle English words that came from Old English, Norman French and Latin.
- Give examples of words from Norman French:
- Give examples of words from Old English:
- Give examples of words from Old Norse:
- Give examples of words from Latin:
- Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?
- Geoffrey Chaucer wrote the tales in the dialect of London. What is the name of this dialect?
- Who brought the printing press to Britain?
- What are the sounds affected by the Great Vowel Shift?
- Which sound in Modern English replaced the Old English /i:/ sound?
- Give definitions of Reformation and Renaissance periods.
- What means inkhorn?
- When and where was Shakespeare born?
- Cite some Shakespeare’s expressions?
- Cite some of the Bible expressions.
- Who proposed the English spelling reformation?
- Who wrote Dictionary of the English Language from 1755?
- Who published An American Dictionary of the English Language and the Oxford English Dictionary?
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