Reflexão HF
Por: AceShadow • 4/5/2016 • Dissertação • 298 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 145 Visualizações
Handbol and Frisbee
Mateus Salviano MYP5
The student explains and demonstrates strategies to enhance interpersonal skills, develops goals and applies strategies to enhance performance, and analyses and evaluates performance.
I’m going to analyze my performance in this unit, which are Handbol and Frisbee. In this unit I believe I have performed well in Frisbee but not so well in handbol. That is mainly due to the fact that Frisbee was a bit less difficult for me to understand and play it. It was quite easy to just run and catch the Frisbee but when it got into the part that I had to make a long pass, it was quite complicated to succeed in one. And in Handbol, I did understand what I had to do, but I did not perform it quite well due to the shots I was making and also because my defense was weak. That is why I developed the following goals.
Handbol Goals:
- To create better defense tactics and perform them well
- To improve different shoots to goal
Frisbee goals:
- To improve the long and medium distance passes.
- To create better strategies of attack rather than just run forward.
To achieve this goal, in the case of handbol, I had to concentrate on the passes and also to be ready to defend and create a better strategy. In the case of Frisbee, I tried to analyze the game and see if I could find a better way to win a point, instead of just run to the other side.
I believe that I have achieve some goals, such as creating better strategies to each game, but not really on the passes and the shooting part. I still have to work on both of these, but I believe that in an overall analysis, this unit ended quite well for me.