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Should E Ought To

Artigos Científicos: Should E Ought To. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  18/3/2015  •  872 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  324 Visualizações

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Look at the table below.

should ought to had better have to

suggestion X

obligation X X

probability ~ X X

Choose the best words to finish the sentence.


He study harder. (suggestion) [had better / has to]

1. She see her teacher. (suggestion) [should / has to]

2. She pay five dollars. (obligation) [has to / had better]

3. She be the top of the class.(probably) [should / had better]

4. It rain soon. (desperate hope) [should / had better]

5. We finish the work today. (obligation) [have to / ought to]

6. You ring your boss. (suggestion) [ought to / have to]

7. The economy improve soon. (desparate hope) [had better / has to]

8. I be at grandma's house at 6pm to help her cook dinner. (obligation) [should / had better]

A - Right or Wrong? My clothes are dirty …

a-I should / ought to wash them. b-I should to wash them. c-I ought washing them.

B - Right or Wrong? You need your sleep.

a-You should not (shouldn't) stay up late. b- You should (shouldn't) stay not up late.

c-You ought to not stay up late. d-You ought to not stay up late.

C - Right or Wrong?

a-Bob: I'm going to be late. What should do I ?

Tom: Run

b-Bob: I'm going to be late. What should I do?

Tom: Run

A - Right or Wrong? My clothes are dirty …

a-I had better wash them. b-I had better to wash them.

B - Right or Wrong? You're driving too fast!

a-You'd better slow down. b-You'd better slowing down.

C - Right or Wrong?

a-You had not better eat that meat. It looks spoiled. b-You had better not eat that meat. It looks spoiled.

D - Right or Wrong?

a-I'ed better send my boss an e-mail right away. b-I'd better send my boss an e-mail right away.


1. You ___ not be late again or you’ll lose your job.

'd better should have should

2. You ___ start waking up earlier.

should have should 'd better

3. Why are you


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