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Sobre a australia

Por:   •  20/4/2015  •  Seminário  •  1.523 Palavras (7 Páginas)  •  303 Visualizações

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Official name: Comunity of Australia

Capital : Canberra

location: Oceania of southwest

Form of Government : Federal Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional Monarchy

Head of state: Monarch’s of Australia

Monarch's representative in Australia: Governor-General

Head of governement: Prime minister

Monarch of the current Australia:  Queen Elizabeth II

Current Governor-General: Quentin Bryce

 Current prime Minister: Tony Abbott

Coin: Australian dollar

Population: 22,6 million

Area: 7,617,930 km ²;

Official Language: There is no official language. English is the language actually

Gross Domestic Product : R $ 3.05 trillion; 13th in the world (IMF 2011)

GDP Per Capita (2012):  R $ 134,208.21, 6th in the world (Brazil: R $ 26,213.61, 53rd in the world) (IMF 2011)

GDP by sector : agriculture 4%, industry 24.8%, services 71.2%

Major industries to the Australian economy : finance and insurance (10.4%), manufacturing (8.7%), construction (8.4%), mining (7.8%), Professional, scientific and technological (7 services 0%) (ABS 2011)

Annual growth rate : 4.3% (2011-12)

Human Development Index : 0.929, 2nd in the world (UNDP 2011)

Independence : 1 January 1901

National Date : Australia Day, January 26

National Colors : Green and Gold

National Flag : The national flag of Australia has a small flag of the United Kingdom (known as the Union Jack and reflects its British heritage), the Southern Cross (which reflects the geographical position of Australia) and a large seven-pointed star (known as the Star of Federation), which represent the six states and the territories of the country.

The states and continental earth

The continental Australia is divided on six states and two territory.

The States is:

  • New south Wales
  • Victoria
  • Western Australia
  • Queensland
  • South Australia
  • Tasmânia
  • Australian capital territory
  • Northern Territory


Between fourty thousand and sixty thousand ago: Australian native arrive on Australia

1606: The first departure European in the Australia for explore by Dutchman Willem Janszoon, Who calls the land of ‘’New Holland’’

1770: The british Explorer captain James cook sails along the east coast of Australia, which he calls "New South Wales". Cook claimed the land for Britain.

1788: The First Fleet, lead by Captain Arthur Phillip, arrives at Port Jackson, in Sydney, on January 26 and establishes a colony.

Before to his arrival in Australia, the First Fleet stopped in Rio de Janeiro for the purchase of supplies, including rum. This is supposedly the first exportation of rum in Brazil.

The first fleet carrying 775 prisoner. The condemned prisoner were from the United Kingdom Who were transported to Australia to work for the colony.

1803-1859 : Colonies are established in Tasmania, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and Queensland.

1851: The first gold rush in Australia  occurs after Discovery of gold in new South wales

1856 : The colonies of Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia introduced the secret vote in elections. This is the first time the system is used in world history.

1868 : The last convicted arrives in Australia. More than 165 000 British prisoners were sent to Australia.

1895 : South Australia holds the first election in which women have the right to vote.

1899-1900 : After the referendo, the six Australian colonies agreed to create a new country, independent from Great Britain.

 1901 : The new Federation of Australia is constituted on January 1.

1913 : The construction of the new capital, Canberra, was opened. Spite of disagreements over which city, Sydney or Melbourne should be the capital of Australia, it was decided that the capital of Australia would be a planned city built at a point between the two cities. The location of the new capital was defined in 1908.

1914-1918 : Australia participates in the first world war side of the Triple Entente (Great Britain, France and the United States) to. Around 60,000 Australians die and 152,000 are injured. The Battle of Gallipoli, Turkey, commencing on April 25, 1915, is considered by some as the birth of the Australian nation.

1920 : The Air Service of Queensland and the Northern Territory (QANTAS), which later became the national airline of Australia is founded.

1939-45 : Australia participates in the second World War alongside the allied forces (Great Britain and the United States) to. More than 27,000 Australians are killed and 23,000 injured. In 1942, Sydney Harbour and northern Australia, particularly Darwin, are attacked by Japan

1945 : Australia relaxes its immigration laws and increases its population by a third.

1956 : Melbourne founded the Olympic Games.

1975 : Papua New Guinea, administered by Australia since 1949, declares its independence.

1992 : Decision of the Supreme Court of Australia determines the right of indigenous peoples to claim land.

1999 : Australians reject in a referendum proposal to transform Australia into a republic.

1999 : Australia leads the United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMIT) after the declaration of independence.

2000 : Sydney founded the Olympic Games.

2010 : Julia Gillard is elected Prime Minister, becoming the first woman to hold such a position in Australia.


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