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Trabalho De Ingles Sobre Courtesy

Por:   •  20/5/2020  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  546 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  232 Visualizações

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Instituto Agrário Santa Maria de Mocodoene

English Test 1 CV3

Name: Calton Da Luísa Julião Armando Ngoca;  Nu: 5; Stream: 1  ( Journalist)

Written  test HG23002

Practice a dialogue  between farmer and a Journalist. There are 10 Points

  1. JOURNALIST - Greets and introduce yourself to the farmer.( you have to write down how would you greet the person who you are interviewing)

Good morning sir. I am a journalist and I would likee to ask a few questions for my article if it is okay. How are you in this morning sir?

  1. JOURNALIST - Write down what do you want to know  to the  farmer

Could you please tell me your name, age and for how long have you been doing this job if you don’t mind?

  1. JOURNALIST-Asks a question  about tools and equipment used in farming process use courtesy expressions   ( so write down  the your question here )

Would you mind to specify the tools and equipment used in farming process?

  1. JOURNALIST -Asks a question about  the process and strategies  of producing the quality products. use courtesy expressions   ( so write down  the your question here )

Could you please tell me what are the process and strategies  of producing the quality products?

  1. JOURNALIST.__ Asks  a question to know about the use of the farm products

 use courtesy expressions   ( so write down  the your question here )  

I was wondering about the use of farm products, do you mind talking a little bit about that?


Write an application for a job through the following advertisement. There are 10 Points

Monday  12th  August 2019. The Daily News

Farmer Trainer is required by Agriculture department of  Funhalouro . The candidate must have heavy good farm tractor or motorbike licence, good English and good skills in farming activities with 3 years of experience. The candidates must Contact Mrs Miguel Masseko, P.O. Box 9854. Funhalouro

Calton Da Luísa Julião Armando Ngoca

Alfredo Lawlay Avenue nu 123

20 May, 20

Agriculture department of  Funhalouro

P.O. Box 9854. Funhalouro

Dear Mrs Miguel Masseko,

I have a real interest in the position of Farm Trainer at Agriculture department of  Funhalouro and I have the experience and skills needed to be the best person for this job.

I have three years of experience working on a farm where I learned how to use a variety of farm equipment such as plows, tractors, spraying equipment, chain saws and milking machines. I am mechanically inclined with the ability to perform general maintenance on the equipment to help keep them in good working condition and I have heavy farm tractor and motorbike license.


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