Teste de conhecimento de gramática
Exam: Teste de conhecimento de gramática. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: nnnnnv • 29/8/2013 • Exam • 214 Palavras (1 Páginas) • 535 Visualizações
Knowledge test
Assinale a alternativa cujos pronomes substituem corretamente os nomes destacados nas frases.
1. That student is from Mexico.
2. Our teacher is very nice.
3. I and You are good friends.
4. The dog is black.
5. Tony and Philip aren’t brothers.
a) He – We – You – It - They
b) It – She – We – He – We
c) He – She – We – He - They
d) She – She – We – It - He
e) She – He – We – It - They
Which is the suitable answer to this question:
"Do you want some ice-cream?"
a) Last night.
b) In my pocket.
c) Last Sunday.
d) It is not black.
e) No, thank you.
Um repórter está narrando alguns momentos do
casamento de Angelita e Juliano Hood, dois famosos
apresentadores da TV brasileira.
“Juliano Hood’s bride, Angelita, is arriving at the
church. She is getting out of her black limousine. The
ceremony ___________ now, and
Juliano is standing at the front of the church,waiting
for his bride. The crowd is cherring, but many girls
______________! (...)”.
bride = noiva
crowd = multidão
many = multos (as)
Complete as lacunas do texto, empregando o present
A) began / cried
B) will begin / is going to cry
C) would begin / will be crying
D) is beginning / are crying
As expressões abaixo indicam tempo passado, exceto:
a) next month.
b) last night.
c) two hours ago
d) yesterday.
e) in 1998.