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Os Efeitos da Maconha

Por:   •  29/11/2018  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  261 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  174 Visualizações

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1) What is marijuana and how was the name derived?

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) is a plant of warm and humid climates, originally from Africa, although there is a record of it in India, 7,000 BC. A marijuana foot has green serrated leaves and small yellow flowers without perfume and can reach up to five meters of height. The plant contains more than 400 chemicals, of which 60 are classified as cannabinoids. The main one is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and is associated with the effects that marijuana produces in the brain. (ABCMED, 2014)

2) Using your own words, provide a brief summary of the article explaining how marijuana makes you “paranoid”. Your summary should be two paragraphs with 5 sentences in each paragraph.

According to scientist’s marijuana can cause paranoia, it has been proven that excessive use of the drug can cause hallucinations and persecution mania. The findings, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, suggest that the activity in the amygdala basolateral is involved in marijuana-induced paranoia. (Barton, 2011)

It was also discovered that its heavy use can cause in some cases the development of the schizophrenia. In a statement Laviolette said "We know that there are anomalies in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex in patients who have schizophrenia, and now we know that these same brain areas are critical to the effects of marijuana and other cannabinoid drugs in processing Emotional”. Based on this study it is proven that marijuana use can cause major psychological problems. (Barton, 2011)


ABCMED. (2014, April 24). Retrieved from

Barton, A. (2011, April 06). Retrieved from


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