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Trabalho acadêmico: O CAMINHO PARA REPRODUÇÃO DA REVATAR. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  10/9/2014  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  723 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  180 Visualizações

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Localization of some terms and phrases may change after Ertheia launches. Please post all

questions and discussion about the patch notes here.

CHARACTER ........................................................................................................................................................... 2

ALCHEMY .............................................................................................................................................................. 6

PATH TO AWAKENING REVAMP ............................................................................................................................ 9

NEW CLASS SKILLS ............................................................................................................................................... 10

CHANGES TO EXISTING CLASS SKILLS ................................................................................................................... 31

NEW HUNTING ZONES ......................................................................................................................................... 42

CHANGES TO EXISTING HUNTING ZONES ............................................................................................................. 44

ITEMS .................................................................................................................................................................. 48

QUESTS ................................................................................................................................................................ 58

SUB-CLASS ........................................................................................................................................................... 70

DIMENSIONAL CASTLE SIEGE ............................................................................................................................... 71

OLYMPIAD ........................................................................................................................................................... 71

FISHING ............................................................................................................................................................... 72

ABILITY ................................................................................................................................................................ 72

USER INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................................. 73

OTHER ................................................................................................................................................................. 76



 The new race 'Ertheia' has been added.

o The Ertheia class can only create female characters.

o The Ertheia class character can choose to be either an Ertheia Fighter or an Ertheia Wizard.

o Ertheia can finish the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Liberation (Class Transfers) at Lv. 40, Lv. 76, and Lv. 85.

o Ertheia Wizards cannot equip shields and sigils.

o The Ertheia classes will not receive chain skill pop-ups when a target is knocked down or


o Awakened classes nearby will still get chain skill popups, even if Ertheia-specific Classes use

Knockdown/Knockback skills.

o The Ertheia class skills cannot be enchanted.

o All Cloaks are displayed as small wings for the Ertheia.

o Two new cloaks have been added for the two Ertheia classes: Eviscerator Cloak and Sayha’s Seer

Cloak (available after completion of 3


Liberation quest).


o New hairstyles and faces for the Ertheia race have been added to the Beauty Shop.

o There are only 14 armor set appearances per Ertheia class. Click here to view them.

 Metal Suit Outfit, Santa Outfit, and Formal Wear can be used with Armor Appearance Stones on the

Ertheia. (Ninja, Swimsuit, Maid, Military, and Tribal Warrior cannot be used at this time).

 The following is the information about how to get a sub/dual class for Ertheia.

o The Ertheia race cannot create a sub-class.

o The dual class will be available once players reach Level 85, complete the 3rd Liberation and the

Winds of Fate: Encroaching Shadows quest, and talk to Raina.

o The Ertheia race's dual class is created at the Level 85 awakened class status. Only one slot is set

aside for dual class.

o The dual class can be any class except for the Ertheia race class (Eviscerator/Sayha’s Seer is NOT



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