Trabalho De Ingles
Exames: Trabalho De Ingles. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: adroel • 23/3/2015 • 1.475 Palavras (6 Páginas) • 194 Visualizações
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Word de English
About: The verb to be, its forms of conjugation, slang and Hours.
Student: Geovane
Primavera do Leste, 26 de janeiro de 2014.
This work presents the form of the verb to be in affirmative form used to describe, identify people and objects in expressions of time, place and age. May be in the negative, interrogative and way past.
At present we still keep the gift to express certainty that something will happen, the conjugated verb plus ING at the end.
We keep the past is a tense we use to refer to actions that were taking place in the past or have been discontinued. The guy over the past simple of Verb to be the main verb and the gerund plus ING.
The plural of irregular verbs in English are those who do not follow the general rule of formation of the Past and Past Participle.
We also cite some slang and hours in English, the most widely spoken languages in the world , as well as the recent U.S. presidents .
The content shown here has many concepts with clear with the purpose of anyone reading can understand content explanations.
Primavera do leste, 26 de janeiro de 2014.
1- Verb to be. Form affirmative, negative e interrogative.
Defining three samples each.
The verb to be matches in Portuguese to verbs "be" or "to be". It is used to describe, identify people, objects and in expressions of time, place and age. The verb "to be" in this fits together in "am", "is" and "are".
I am = I’m
You are = you’re
He is, she is, it is = He’s, she’s, it’s
We are = we’re
You are = you’re
They are = they’re
Ex: They are playing volleyball.
I am writing an article.
We are talking about our inheritance.
For the negative, just add "not" after the verb "to be" (am, is, are): you can abbreviate the verb "to be" with "not". This form is widely used in conversation.
I am not = I’m not
You are not = You aren’t
He/she/it is not = He/she/it isn’t
We are not = We aren’t
You are not = You aren’t
They are not = They aren’t
Ex: I'm not asking help.
He is not talking to you.
You are not working.
For the interrogative form, simply invert the verb "to be" (am, is, are), placing it at the beginning of the sentence:
Am I?
Are you?
Is he/she/it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?
Ex: Am I being inopportune?
Is she having dinner?
What is he doing?
2- Slang. Charge with interpretation.
- Peixe do aquário: And hey man!
How are things out there?
- Peixe do chão: I wonder who was the son of a bitch who said it was fine as hell out here.
This is taking woodpecker hollow.
3- The most widely spoken languages in the world. Explain with examples.
1º. Mandarim – 1051 milhões – China, Malásia e Taiwan.
Ex: Wuo3 ai4 shang4 ni3 le
2º. Hindi – 565 milhões – Índia, regiões norte e central.
Ex: Aapka naam kya hai?
3º. Inglês – 545 milhões – EUA, Reino Unido, Partes da Oceania.
Ex: I understand more than I speak.
4º. Espanhol – 450 milhões – Espanha e Américas.
Ex: Lindas imágenes con frases llenas de sentido sobre la vida, la paz, el amor y otros aspectos de la vida.
5º. Árabe – 246 milhões – Oriente Médio, Arábia, África do Norte.
Ex: Ila yerhem Waldik.
6º. Português – 218 milhões – Brasil, Portugal, Angola.
Ex: Com tantos impostos no País, onde iremos parar?
7º. Bengalês – 171 milhões – Bangladesh, Nordeste da Índia.
Ex: Ami Tomake Bhalobashi.
8º. Russo – 145 milhões – Rússia e Ásia Central.
Ex: Я арестован(а)?
9º. Francês – 130 milhões – França, Canadá, Oeste e Centro da África.
Ex: Je suis disponible pour un entretien.
10º. Japonês – 127 milhões – Japão.
Ex: Gokigen ikaga desu ka