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Care Skills

Por:   •  7/12/2015  •  Ensaio  •  795 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  442 Visualizações

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Assignment Brief

Care Skills 5N2770

Describe the clients situation; outlining their particular needs and how they are met or not met.

Ms Corr is 95 years old, she is in the early dementia, she is a bit forgetful she has Arthritis and has had 3 hip replacements. She has high blood pressure, wears hearing aids – hearing best on the left and has pressure on her eye – daily eye drops. Suffers from Urinary Tract Infections recently. Had a triple heart bypass 7 years ago. Left arm & leg very weak. Has very thin skin – has hyper sensitive legs (wound on left leg which requires dressing by the PHN. Had stroke 9.03.10 – fell and hit head. Jan 2010: had a fall lately and she has inflammation of the joints on her right arm. March 2010: Had a stroke – fell in the bathroom and bruised her face/head area, spent 3 months in the hospital. As a result left arm and leg are weak and she uses a frame to mobilize.

She is able to transfer from bed and chair, in the house there is a electric chair which brings her upstairs to her bedrron. She has thin skin, while in hospital a nurse cut her left leg with her fingernail and this is still bandaged. PHN is need to dress wound. She has 2 hearing aids, hearing is best on the left side, hearing aid comes out at night.

Explain how you support this person on daily basis; the level of assistance they require

Her daily scenario: She gets up at 9am her son makes her breakfast and bring it to her bedroom then she goes downstairs, she needs to be assisted for that, she used to have long walk outside with the frame help but  her legs is weaker and she walks only inside the house, always with someone beside her. She has lunch around 1, then she goes for sleep and watch tv. At nights usually she watches tv and listen to the radio and she likes to chat when she has someone. Around 10pm she goes upstairs to get ready with someone assistance and go to sleep, she uses the commode few times during the night and she needs help to from the chair to the commode and to get out of bed into chair.  

Ms Corr was very independent person, she reads newspapers and magazines every day, she likes to watch tv and listen to the radio, this is very good because keep he in touch with current affairs. She has many friends who come over to visit and have a chat with her and one best friend her name is Silvia, they call each other when they can not meet, they are friends for ages, the therapist who comes every Monday to help her with some exercise and stimulate her with activists and some of her neighbors as she lives in a square park she has a vey good relation with them. Elizabeth is very polite, friendly, willing to help for that she is loved by everyone.

And this is the way she has been living, faithful, hopeful, happy, with special friends who comes to visit her always when they can, the multidisciplinary team,doctor, therapist, the caregivers through Home Instead Senior Care company ,from Brazil an Poland the ones included me who assist her with all Activities of living, and  her soon the one who care of  her very well.

Explain how this support impacts upon the other aspects of their health

The support she has is helping her living longer, faithful, hopeful, happy, with dignity with special friends who comes to visit her often, the multidisciplinary team,doctor, therapist, the caregivers through Home Instead Senior Care company ,from Brazil an Poland the ones included me who assist her with all Activities of living, and  her soon the one who care of  her very well.


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