Food Phylosophy
Por: Lucas Marques • 13/12/2015 • Trabalho acadêmico • 275 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 265 Visualizações
Lucas Farinazzo Marques
Food Philosophy essay – Personal Health Class
My philosophy to food and healthy eating, mainly recently, is about enjoying everything in a balanced, and sane way. For me, food is the most important part of life (since is the only thing that you going to take with you to your grave, as my dad always says) and, unfortunately, nowadays, people are turning food in their enemies, as something to be afraid of. I believe that if you use the right to make salads, burgers, pastas and even cakes, they all have their right place in our diet, so there are not exactly a bad food, only bad combination of ingredients or bad schedule of eating. If you want to eat mac & cheese, you can do that, but occasionally, not every day.
Taking these in considerations, I always remember from my mother and grandmother’s sayings: “Is always better to cook your own food than buying processed food”, which makes so much sense until nowadays that I always try to take it by granted. I try to apply this to my savings, since cooking my own food is cheaper, I try to apply to my health, since cooking my own food is healthier and I try to apply this to my relations, trying to spread the word about healthy ways of eating. Basically, as long as we all recognize treats as treats, not a daily thing, we will be in a good place, we just need to find the balance about what we like and what is good for us.