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Por:   •  21/5/2017  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  319 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  164 Visualizações

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Besides being a constraint physical and moral, the violence is a act shameful that happens every day, in all places of Brazil and world. It can be of many forms, like the psychological violence, the sexual, the against woman or child, the verbal etc. However, here it will be discussed only about the criminal violence.

The Brazil, currently, is in the ranking those “Countries the most violence around world”. The numerous causes, for such an alarming index, are social inequality, that it do with the young people make wrong decisions, which will consequently lead them to jail. The education is one of great causes, because this area doesn’t receive government investments, with this, the people needier, oftentimes won't have access to the university.

Other cause is devaluation of police officer, that have poor training and salaries incompatible with the risk of their job.

All causes cited are connected the government corruption, because it is guilty of the misery in our country, for violence, for drugth and arms trafficking. But, this judgment about the corruption will not be made here.

Some brief attitudes can be to take to stop this scenario. Like the realization of social project with objective of instructing and following the people who participate, opening new ways to job market. And improve education, valuing the work of the teachers and giving more quality of work, because they will form the future of the country. Thus, more people will be working and studying, and faraway of the streets.

About the police officers, it’s necessary adequate salary and right training to develop searchers about the violence control and promote the create of more efficient and effective organization, management and processes for police.

But these are only some suggestions to improvement. The solution to question of violence involve many society’s sectors, that must pass for greats reforms, starting by high echelon. Only then, the Brazil could be a better country to the Brazilian people.


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