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Document updates and validations

The table below lists all modifications and updates done on the considered document. Fill in Date, Author and a summary of the document’s update content, reason and/or objectives.


Date Version Author Comment

10/12/2008 V07 Guillaume Ciroux Adaptation from BPD to Working instructions format


Date Version Validation Resp. Comment

Document updates and validations 1

Updates 1

Validations 1

1 Objective 4

2 Link to other FCS document 5

3 General presentation of the vendor master and associated functions 6

3.1 Vendor master account groups 6

3.2 Vendor master: general presentation of the manageable views 7

3.2.1 Vendor master: general data 7

3.2.2 Vendor master: company code data 7

3.2.3 Vendor master: purchasing organization data 7

3.3 Vendor master: partner function datas 8

3.4 Vendor master: block / unblock functions 8

3.5 Vendor master: flag for deletion 8

3.6 Vendor master: confirmation for change 9

4 Vendor master views 10

4.1 Vendor master: general data 10

4.1.1 Control view 10

4.1.2 Payment transaction view 11

4.1.3 Contact persons view 11

4.2 Vendor master: purchasing data 13

4.3 Vendor master: partner function 14

5 Extra function detail 16

5.1 Block / unblock function 16

5.2 Flag for deletion function 17

5.3 Confirmation for change function 17

5.4 Change supplier account group 17

6 Point of attention 18

6.1 Pre-requisite for the conversion of a PR into a purchase order 18

6.2 Foreign supplier management case 18

6.3 Extra-alloys materials purchasing 19

6.4 Fax sending 19

6.5 Self invoicing supplier 20

6.6 Retro billing supplier 20

1 Objective

In FCS, the vendor master centralizes all information related to the vendor.

The purpose of this document is to describe all information contained in the vendor master related to purchasing flows, and also how managing those information for each type of flow taking into account each specificity.

2 Link to other FCS document

Reference to Documents Business Process Procedure

Ref Name Comments

FCS-W02-BPP-PUR-070928-V1.0 (Manage Supplier Data).doc Management of Supplier Master datas

FCS-W02-BPP-FIN-070928-V1.0 (Process Supplier Invoices and Self Billing).doc Process self invoicing and retrobilling flows

Reference to Faurecia Core Procedures

FCP number Name of FCP Comments

FAU-P-SPC-6300 Manage Internal Suppliers in Development and Series.pdf

FAU-P-SPC-6400 Manage Suppliers in Development (APQP).pdf

3 General presentation of the vendor master and associated functions

The vendor master is the FCS object which centralizes all the information related to the supplier. These informations are defined at different levels, you will find below the detail.

3.1 Vendor master account groups

Each supplier has an account group, the use of a specific account group depends from the flow that has to be executed with it.

You will find below the correspondence between account groups and what operations are executable with it:

Supplier type Receive order Send goods Invoice Receive payment

Vendor (Z001) X X X X

Goods supplier (Z002) X

Invoice presented by (Z004) X X

Alternative Payee (Z003) X

Forwarding agent or Carrier (Z005) X X X

Ordering Address (Z006) X

Interco (Z007) X X X X

Intraco (Z007) X X

Employee (Z009) X X

3.2 Vendor master: general presentation of the manageable views

3.2.1 Vendor master: general data

General data refer only to the vendor code, i.e : These datas will be common to all Faurecia plants which are working with this supplier and won’t change in function of the company code or the purchasing organization

In the supplier master general data, you will be able to manage the address, logistic ,taxes or contact persons

3.2.2 Vendor master: company code data

Datas contained in Company code data depend from the Company code codes opened to the vendor, which means that a vendor can be opened to several company code and the information will differ in function of the Company code.

The company code represents the legal entity of


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