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The Measure Analysis System

Por:   •  19/4/2023  •  Artigo  •  5.515 Palavras (23 Páginas)  •  100 Visualizações

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doi: 10.17563/rbav.v36i1.1058

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Validating the measurement system using msa: terminal angle inspection process for mounting in hoses with application in agricultural machines

validando o sistema de medição utilizando msa: processo de inspeção do ângulo de terminais para montagem em mangueiras com aplicação em máquinas agrícolas

Tábata Caroline de Assis1,*, André Luis Alves Rodrigues1, Lise Virgínia Vieira de Azevedo1, Rita de Cássia Mendonça Sales1

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The objective of this work is the application of the MSA (Measure Analysis System) to evaluate the system of measurement of the angle of metallic terminals in agricultural hoses, analyzing the parameters of operator repetitiveness, instrument reproducibility and tolerance to detect quantitative anomalies within the manufacturing process of these parts. The methods of measurement applied, angle transducer and profile projector were compared and it was observed that the profile projector was the best method applied for the process validation, since its total variation takes into account the parameters defined according to the recommendations of the American automakers AIAG, which states that the total change must be less than 30% to be considered acceptable.

Keywords: Mounting angle; MSA; couplings inspection.

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O objetivo deste trabalho é a aplicação do MSA (Measure Analysis System/Análise do Sistema de Medição) para avaliar o sistema de medição do ângulo de terminais metálicos em mangueiras agrícolas, analisando os parâmetros de repetitividade do operador, reprodutibilidade do instrumento e tolerância para detectar existência de anomalias quantitativas dentro do processo de fabricação destas peças. Os métodos de medição aplicados, transferidor de ângulo e projetor de perfil, foram comparados e observou-se que o projetor de perfil foi o melhor método aplicado para a validação do processo, pois a sua variação total atente os parâmetros definidos de acordo com as recomendações das montadoras americanas AIAG, que estabelece que a variação total deve ser menor que 30% para ser considerado aceitável.

Palavras-chave: Ângulo de montagem; MSA; inspeção de terminais.

1Faculdade de Tecnologia de São José dos Campos - Prof. Jessen Vidal – São José dos Campos (SP) – Brazil

Correspondence author: Tábata Caroline de Assis – Centro Estadual Tecnológico Paula Souza – Faculdade de Tecnologia de São José dos Campos - Prof. Jessen

Vidal – Av. Cesare Mansueto Giulio Lattes, 1350 – Eugênio de Melo – CEP: 12247-014 – São José dos Campos (SP) – Brazil


Received: 26/02/2017 Approved: 21/03/2017

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18        Rev. Bras. Apl. Vac., Campinas, Vol. 36, N°1, pp. 18-26, Jan. – Abr., 2017

Assis, T. C., Rodrigues, A. L., Azevedo, L.V.V., Sales, R. C. M

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The industries that supply to the agricultural market and/ or automotive, which own the ISO 9000(1) and ISO/TS 16949(2) certification needs to demonstrate the product validation capacity through the measurement system to assure the product quality and attend the normative requirement properly. Almeida e Sehnem(3) quote that, “The reliable measurement process in the factory floor, with little variation, owns the fundamental and determinant role in the quality assurance and competitiveness such as that to satisfy the international practices and consequently, to participate of the global network of suppliers”.

Generally, this competitiveness is measured in such a way that the supplier who owns the bigger process control becomes the favorite in the products and projects quotation moment, highlighting between the others.

Agricultural companies demand a level of quality almost so strict that the automakers, when it comes to standardization and validation of the production process. For that, the industries follow the crescent search for the stability and reliability of product quality, the using of measurement methods for the production part approval process validation (PPAP), becomes mandatory to prove the product compliance with the required tolerances.

According to Shrotri & Dandekar(4) PPAP is an important part of product development process allowing producers to evaluate the components and subsystem which they receive from supplier and establishing confidence in the suppliers management system. Although individual manufacturer have their own particular requirements, the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) has developed a common PPAP standard as “Advanced Product quality Planning Process” (APQP) and encouraging the use of common terminology and standard forms to document project status.

Therefore, the resulting data of the measurements are used with high frequency in the productive process to determine if it is or not inside de control limits calculated considering the tolerance required by the client. Besides that, Mast & Wieringen(5) define that these are the two sources that affect the data collection method. MSA (Measurement Systems Analysis) is used to measure the precision and accuracy of data or to measure the quality of data due to operators and method.

The MSA Reference from the AIAG(6) defines that “measurement system is the collection of instruments or gages, standards, operations, methods, fixtures, software, personnel, environment and assumptions used to quantify a unit of measure or fix assessment to the feature characteristic being measured”; the complete process used to obtain measurements. A measurement system is a critical component for any quality improvement process. Product Quality is measured through statistical quality control (SQC) and every technique in SQC needs data. Therefore, if we have precise and accurate data, the results will be reliable and due to this, the product quality is monitored properly. Product Quality is generally affected by


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