- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações


Por:   •  27/2/2019  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  1.801 Palavras (8 Páginas)  •  213 Visualizações

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Rent a car

Rental Car Agent: Welcome to Good Deal Car Rentals. what can I do for you today?

Kristen: hi I'm here in San Francisco on vacation and would like to rent a car.

Rental Car Agent: great. what kind of car are you looking for?

Kristen: Well I want something that isn't too expensive, but that is big enough for my whole


Rental Car Agent: alright I would recommend a full size 4 door sedan, or a mid-sized SUV.

Kristen: I think we'll take the sedan. Is it available for the whole week?

Rental Car Agent: Sure, with the taxes and fees the total will come to about $350. And would

you like to purchase any additional insurance for an extra $30 per day in case the car is

damaged or stolen?

Kristen: Yes, I’d better do that too.

Rental Car Agent: Great, I’ll just need to get a copy of your driver’s license, your credit card,

and your signature on this form.

Kristen: Okay, here you go.

Rental Car Agent: Perfect. Here is your set of keys. Have a great trip, and don’t forget to visit


Kristen: Thanks. See ya.

Using a map

Judy: Excuse me sir can you help me for a second?

Stranger: Sure. what can I do for you?

Judy: I'm not from around here. I'm on vacation, and I can't seem to find my hotel.

Stranger: Alright. Do you have the address? Or a map?

Judy: Yeah I bought the map from the gas station. The address says I need to be on 7 th , but I

still can’t seem to find the hotel.

Stranger: Oh, I know what the problem is. This is 7 th north ; you need 7 th south. It’s this one


Judy: Oh no, that’s 14 blocks away.

Stranger: You’d better start walking. You have a long way to go.

Judy: Well, thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.

Stranger: Sure. Good luck.

At the Post Office

Clerk: Good morning, what can I do for you today?

Paul: I'd like to mail a package to my sister for her birthday.

Clerk: Alright.Aare you mailing any food electronics or media items?

Paul: No, actually it’s just a T-shirt and a card.

Clerk: Alright go ahead and put the package on the scale so I can weigh it.

Paul: It needs to get there tomorrow for her birthday.

Clerk: Okay. You should use overnight delivery. It’s a $24 charge, is that okay?

Paul: Sure that’s fine.

Clerk: Alright. Just make sure that your address is is written clearly on the box and I'll print out

the label for this delivery with her address on it. would you like to pay for the extra insurance?

Paul: No thank you; just the overnight delivery is fine.

Clerk: Sure. That’ll be $28.65 total, and your package will arrive tomorrow before 3 p.m.

Paul: Allright, I’ll pay cash. Thanks, have a nice day.

Clerk: You too. See you later.

Taxi Driver: Where to, ma’am?

Rachel: My flight just landed and I need to get my hotel please. It's called The Ritz on Walker

Ave. Do you know where is it?

Taxi Driver: Of course. I've been there many times.

Rachel: This is my first time here in the city, I wish I could take a tour.

Taxi Driver: Well I could show you around if you'd like. We could take a little tour and then I'll

drop you off at your hotel.

Taxi Driver: Sure, no problem.

Rachel: I don't have time now but we could schedule the tour for tomorrow. I'd love to see the

attractions on the area

Taxi Driver: Sure, no problem.

…… next day……

Rachel: Well thanks for showing me around, how much do I owe you? (ou iú)

Taxi Driver: That will be $87.

Rachel: $87? Oh no I guess I won’t be eating dinner tonight.

Receptionist: This is front desk, how may I help you?

Steve: I just flew into town, and the airline lost my bag. I don't have any of my toiletries do you

offer any?

Receptionist: Of course I can offer you a complimentary travel-size toothbrush and

toothpaste, would you like anything else?

Steve: do you have a disposable razor?

Receptionist: yes we do , I'll send up a toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, and q-tips.

Steve: One more thing ,do you have a comb or a hairbrush?

Receptionist: I'm sorry we don't. But there’s a gift shop in the lobby where you can purchase

other personal items you might need.

Steve: Okay, thanks.

Receptionist: You’re welcome. If you need anything else, please don’t hesitate


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