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As Letras Inglesas

Por:   •  24/9/2018  •  Projeto de pesquisa  •  311 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  253 Visualizações

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The power plan is the one that has the surface of a reflection that is completely flat, they have utilities such variables as domestic to components of sophisticated optical instruments, typically the surface that reflects a mirror that has a film of "silver" on one of the faces of a glass ( transparent ) this video is as a protection film

Is deposited a thin layer of silver or aluminum on one of the faces of a straight glass, with this, the other face becomes a mirror, it is the most easy and common to make a flat mirror. It has many uses that are distinct, the plane mirror is characterized by a flat surface and polished, where the light that is incidida reflects a regular basis,mirrors the plans, the incident ray, the reflected beam and the normal to the surface lie in the same plane and the angle of reflection and incidence have the same measure

The power plan is the one that has the surface of a reflection that is completely flat, they have utilities such variables as domestic to components of sophisticated optical instruments, typically the surface that reflects a mirror that has a film of "silver" on one of the faces of a glass ( transparent ) this video is as a protection film

Is deposited a thin layer of silver or aluminum on one of the faces of a straight glass, with this, the other face becomes a mirror, it is the most easy and common to make a flat mirror. It has many uses that are distinct, the plane mirror is characterized by a flat surface and polished, where the light that is incidida reflects a regular basis,mirrors the plans, the incident ray, the reflected beam and the normal to the surface lie in the same plane and the angle of reflection and incidence have the same measure


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