Por: Tiago Boaz de Oliveira • 3/6/2018 • Pesquisas Acadêmicas • 698 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 171 Visualizações
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Esta é a revisão para os dois níveis: Inglês I e Inglês II. Alunos de Inglês II façam inteiro, e os de Inglês I respondam o que sabem e tente responder o que Não sabem. Depois de responder, mostre a seus colegas e veja o trabalho deles. Responda utilizando pronomes (eu, você, nós, vocês e “it”, quando necessário) e utilize respostas completas. Veja o exemplo: Does Telma live in Jardim Paulistano? No, she doesn’t live in Jardim paulistano.
- What do you do on Sundays?
- Do you have experience in administration?
- Do FHC and Lula understand about odontology?
- Do you and your classmates have classes on Saturday?
- How much is an air ticket to Rio? (around/about/more or less)
- Ho do you come to Fatec?
- Where would you like to live?
- Do you know where FHC lives? (resposta negative)
- What document do you need to go to another country?
- What do you usually do on Sunday?
- What do you do every week?
- Compare Rio and São Paulo.
- Compare Brazil and Bolivia.
- Who would you like to meet?
- What is the most polluted city in Brazil?
- Where are there a lot of animals?
- Does Tiririca speak English?
- Is it important to think about insurance for cargoes?
- Why is Paulo Maluf famous in Brazil??
- Can Dilma speak English? (resposta positiva). What about Temer? (resposta negativa)
- Can you use a dictionary during the test?
- When is the weather very cold?
- Will you come to Fatec next Sunday?
- Will you travel on business tomorrow?
- When do you need a passport?
- How many students are there here in your class?
- Where does Temer live?
- Do you have a friend in Canada?
- What is the nearest Capital to São Paulo? (pesquise, falamos sobre isso na aula).
- Do you need to study English to get a good job?
- (responda com a forma possessive) Who is Cleo Pires? Who is Fiuk? Who is Lulinha?
- Would you like to work in the airport?
- Where is there a lot of pollution?
- What is the farthest city you visited?
- Compare Caetano Veloso with Leo Jaime.
- What will you do in your next vaction?
- Who will you see next weekend?
- When will you graduate?
- What will you do tomorrow morning?
- When will you have English class?
- What city is smaller than São Paulo?
- What is the busiest airport in Brazil?
- Compare a truck and a plane, in terms of speed.
- What college is better, FATEC or UNIP?
- What are you and doing now?
- How many airports are there in São Paulo and what are they?
- What are your plans for the summer? (o que você vai fazer?)
- Are there big many cities in Minas Gerais? What about in Sergipe?
- What time do you leave FATEC every day?
- Where did you study before Fatec?
- Does McDonalds have delivery service? (negative)
- What classes did you have yesterday?
- Where is Chile? (pesquise)
- Where is Canada? (pesquise)
- Where is England? (pesquise)
- Where is Panama?
- Where is China?
- What is the biggest country in the world, in terms of area?
- What is the most populated country in the world?
- What is the biggest country in South America, in terms of size?
- What is the biggest country in South America in terms of population?
- What is the biggest State in Brazil:?
- Where is Curitiba?
- Where is the United States?
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