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Por:   •  3/6/2018  •  Pesquisas Acadêmicas  •  698 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  171 Visualizações

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REVISÃO INGLÊS         I e II        

Esta é a revisão para os dois níveis: Inglês I e Inglês II. Alunos de Inglês II façam inteiro, e os de Inglês I respondam o que sabem e tente responder o que Não sabem. Depois de responder, mostre a seus colegas e veja o trabalho deles. Responda utilizando pronomes (eu, você, nós, vocês e “it”, quando necessário) e utilize respostas completas.  Veja o exemplo:                                                                                                            Does Telma live in Jardim Paulistano?           No, she doesn’t live in Jardim paulistano.

  1. What do you do on Sundays?
  2. Do you have experience in administration?
  3. Do FHC and Lula understand about odontology?
  4. Do you and your classmates have classes on Saturday?
  5. How much is an air ticket to Rio? (around/about/more or less)
  6. Ho do you come to Fatec?
  7. Where would you like to live?
  8. Do you know where FHC lives? (resposta negative)
  9. What document do you need to go to another country?
  10. What do you usually do on Sunday?
  11. What do you do every week?
  12. Compare Rio and São Paulo.
  13. Compare Brazil and Bolivia.
  14. Who would you like to meet?
  15. What is the most polluted city in Brazil?
  16. Where are there a lot of animals?
  17. Does Tiririca speak English?
  18. Is it important to think about insurance for cargoes?
  19. Why is Paulo Maluf famous in Brazil??
  20. Can Dilma speak English? (resposta positiva).      What about Temer? (resposta negativa)
  21. Can you use a dictionary during the test?
  22. When is the weather very cold?
  23. Will you come to Fatec next Sunday?
  24. Will you travel on business tomorrow?
  25. When do you need a passport?
  26. How many students are there here in your class?
  27. Where does Temer live?
  28. Do you have a friend in Canada?
  29. What is the nearest Capital to São Paulo? (pesquise, falamos sobre isso na aula).
  30. Do you need to study English to get a good job?
  31. (responda com a forma possessive) Who is Cleo Pires? Who is Fiuk? Who is Lulinha?
  32. Would you like to work in the airport?
  33. Where is there a lot of pollution?
  34. What is the farthest city you visited?
  35. Compare Caetano Veloso with Leo Jaime.
  36. What will you do in your next vaction?
  37. Who will you see next weekend?
  38. When will you graduate?
  39. What will you do tomorrow morning?
  40. When will you have English class?
  41. What city is smaller than São Paulo?
  42. What is the busiest airport in Brazil?
  43. Compare a truck and a plane, in terms of speed.
  44. What college is better, FATEC or UNIP?
  45. What are you and doing now?
  46. How many airports are there in São Paulo and what are they?
  47. What are your plans for the summer? (o que você vai fazer?)
  48. Are there big many cities in Minas Gerais? What about in Sergipe?
  49. What time do you leave FATEC every day?
  50. Where did you study before Fatec?
  51. Does McDonalds have delivery service? (negative)
  52. What classes did you have yesterday?
  53. Where is Chile? (pesquise)
  54. Where is Canada? (pesquise)
  55. Where is England? (pesquise)
  56. Where is Panama?
  57. Where is China?
  58. What is the biggest country in the world, in terms of area?
  59. What is the most populated country in the world?
  60. What is the biggest country in South America, in terms of size?
  61. What is the biggest country in South America in terms of population?
  62. What is the biggest State in Brazil:?
  63. Where is Curitiba?
  64. Where is the United States?


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