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Consumo de gelado em Portugal

Por:   •  12/11/2016  •  Pesquisas Acadêmicas  •  391 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  670 Visualizações

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Ice cream consumption in Portugal

In July 2014, Marktest made a TGI research about ice cream consumption in Portugal and report that more than five million Portuguese consumed ice cream in the past 12 months.

They reached to a big conclusion: 63,7% of Portuguese to live in continental Portugal and more that 15 years old consume ice cream”.

Ice cream consumption in different age groups:

  • 25 – 34:         76,3%
  • 35- 44:                 72,3%
  • 55-64:                 58,7%
  • 65+:                 49,3%

Between men and women, the difference is not significant. In the same period, 66,2% of women says that consumed ice cream in the past 12 months before the research and in men this percentage is 60,9%.

This research concluded that 23,1%, almost a quarter of Portuguese population, consume ice cream once a week at least.

We can see that the main variable that differentiates consumption is the age.

People from all ages consume ice cream, but our main targets are 25-44 years old and aware 10+ children and youngsters to our new product.

Ice cream favorite flavors of Portuguese people: Strawberry; Vanilla; Chocolate.

Chocolate is in the top 3 of ice cream flavors for Portuguese people. Regina chocolate is a very well known product in the country and it has tradition inside families but youngsters are not so aware about this Portuguese product, so an ice cream would be a good way to pull them.

Regina chocolate is a premium chocolate, so we want to create a premium ice cream that matches the excellence and quality of Regina chocolate.

In general, Portuguese people are very traditional, they like the combination of quality and handmade products, adding the fact that Portuguese consumers really enjoy the fact of being a premium consumer. We need to create the feeling that the product is really an artisanal one.

We want to position our products in the supermarkets and that is a place where every products and prices are constantly being compared by the consumers. Despite of ice cream market be considered as an impulse buy one, Portuguese consumers are very concerned about the price.


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