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Gestao Do Estoque

Artigos Científicos: Gestao Do Estoque. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  6/11/2014  •  1.073 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  347 Visualizações

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Perspectives of the Cooperation of BRICS Countries in the Gas Industry Domain.

The name the term BRIC was coined in 2001 by British Jim O'Neill, head of economic research area of New York investment bank, to refer to the 4 countries with major emerging economies.

Acrostic of four emerging countries, Brazil, Russia, India and China, 2050, or earlier as in the case of China, could individually reaching out to the world's major economies.

This is the group of countries with strong emerging economies in the world by both the rich natural and energy resources, as the size of its gross domestic product, its sustained growth and the volume of exports, as the amount of its inhabitants, the extent of its territory and power of their armies.

Their coordinated and joint action at different levels and stages the world has become a geostrategic importance group whose views and policies necessarily have to be even aquilatadas by traditional industrial powers and all nations in shaping the new world order for the Century XXI. And this is where this group of countries today represent a great geopolitical importance to the world because of the great potential of fossil energy they possess, focusing primarily on the gas.

Gas is an energy from fossil fuels, which is usually found in the continental or seabed, which was formed millions of years ago when a number of bodies decomposed as animals and plants were buried under mud and sand, deep of ancient lakes and oceans. To the extent that this material was accumulated, were formed rock layers deep. The high pressure caused by the weight of these layers plus the heat of the earth, slowly transformed organic material into crude oil and natural gas.

Natural gas can accumulate in pockets between the porosity of underground rocks. But sometimes gets trapped underground by solid rocks that prevent the gas flow, forming what is known as a reservoir, which may or may not be associated with oil. Currently, gas is a source of clean energy that gives us comfort in our homes and heat needed to develop many of our industries.

In the composition of natural gas includes various gaseous hydrocarbons, predominantly methane, by over 90%, and at lower rates ethane, propane, butane, pentane and traces of inert gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The natural gas is extracted from wells or subsea, very similar to the process of oil extraction. Was subsequently removed excess water as well as impurities.

Although today the natural gas is considered one of the energies of the future, was known to mankind since ancient times, when the original inhabitants of the land saw the flames that were produced, usually in swamps after a thunderstorm occur. The first record of these events was made in Persia about 6,000 years ago, and the impression was that the people who built temples around to worship them and are known as the fire-worshipers of ancient Persia.

Importance why these five countries taking sides in the matter, to collect 43 percent of the world population and 25 percent accumulate wealth, generating 56 percent of economic growth in the world in recent years. Trade between the countries in the group is growing 28 percent annually and is already about 230,000 million, with a view to reaching 500,000 million in 2015.

That is why the world needs a new consensus. The new era requires new institutions to replace the World Bank, the IMF and the WTO, the BRICS countries are to take responsibility for their achievement Emerging and developing economies should have greater voice and representation within the international financial institutions, where their leaders and managers should be appointed through open selection procedures, transparent, and based much more on the technical and practical training candidates.

"In addition to the above, the group can help boost a much democracy predicated on economic construction, with solid and controlled bases. What is interesting is the transformation that occurs from when a typical product of the investment


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