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Luis Filipe Santos da Silva

Rua Pioneira Rosa Portella da Silva, 1095.

Maringá, PR 87070-660


June 24th, 2014

To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing this letter with the purpose of getting a scholarship at Bethel College.

Firstly, I would like to present myself. I studied at public schools until I got a full scholarship at Platão School when I entered High School, a highly regarded institution in my city, on which I studied from 2009 to 2011. In 2010 and 2011, I won respectively in 1st place, then in 2nd  place at a writing competition which the school develops named Prose and Poetry Competition, taking part in as chronic and story writings. In 2010 I was awarded as one of the best students of each classroom with a trophy, I came in 4th place; only the five best students are awarded. Then, at my graduation, I and a friend of mine were chosen to be the speakers of the class, out of a group of 120 students.

At the same time, in 2008, I got a full scholarship at Bliss, a language school, on which I have been studying English since then. I am graduated in the advanced English level, and I have taken ECCE test by Michigan University on December, 2013, on which I passed, and now I am ECCE certificated. This year I am teaching Portuguese to foreigners and English to Brazilians at Bliss. Now, I am preparing for ECPE test and TOEFL at the end of this year.

Secondly, I play the violin. Since 2004, I began my classes on Guri Project, a musical project aimed at social inclusion of poor children and young people, for this reason I have engaged on it. Afterwards, in 2011 and 2012 I began playing at the mainly orchestras of my city, Maringá University Symphonic Orchestra (MUSO), in Portuguese Orquestra Sinfônica da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (OSUEM), also at UniCesumar Philharmonic  Orchestra (UCPO), in Portuguese Orquestra Filarmônica UniCesumar (OFUC).

I do love people, their differences, and their cultures. Therefore, since 2007, I got the habit of writing to embassies of many different countries located here in Brazil. I have been answered by Canada Embassy, Germany Embassy, Japan Embassy (with special regards from Sakiko Hayakawa, First Secretary), South Africa Embassy (with special regards from Simon Marobe, Second Secretary), Australia Consulate ( with special regards from Alexandre Nardiello, Consular Official) Israel Embassy, French Embassy and New Zealand Embassy.

Thanks God I was raised in a solid family, with parents who really fear God. I am member of Missionary Church Ipiranga Neighborhood, in Maringá for about four years.

 My family was always modest economically. Despite of all the problems involving money I had had one of the finest education that one could have had. My Mother has been working as civil servant for about 20 years. My Father owned an Electronic Security Company. I have one sibling that since he was an infant has been living with my grandparents.

To sum up, I love studying, I love people, and I love bonding with new people. I really hope to become a doctor one day, as a matter of fact a pediatrician. I am going to study medicine. And this letter is mainly to show who I am, and what I am interested in. So, I really would like to study pre-medical at Bethel College. I have seen a lot of colleges which offers scholarships in America, Canada and Australia; but I have a primary interest of taking this course in order to enhance my knowledge. I liked the Educational and Christian profile of Bethel, the structure, the organization, the dynamics, the chapel, everything, and I´m really looking forward to studying at Bethel. However, unfortunately, my family does not have conditions to come up with the money for me to study there. For this reason, I´ve applied for a full scholarship. And I confess: I am willing to do whatever it takes to get it. I could work at the college, I could help in any way, etc. Here I am, just asking for an opportunity.


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