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5 Coisas Sobre Inglaterra

Casos: 5 Coisas Sobre Inglaterra. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  11/10/2014  •  493 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  412 Visualizações

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Trabalho inglês

5 Coisas sobre Inglaterra

Comida (food)

Fish & Chips

Deep fried batter-dipped fish (usually cod) accompanied by french fries. They are flavored with a liberal sprinkling of salt and malt vinegar.

Full English Breakfast

A substantial morning meal of eggs, bacon, sausages, smoked fish, black pudding, and other offerings.

High Tea

A late afternoon "snack meal" with tea. Classic fare includes scones or biscuits spread with butter, jam and clotted cream - and small, crustless, open-faced sandwiches.

Ploughman's Lunch

A large piece of cheese with bread and pickles served in pubs. Ale is the favorite accompaniment.

Sunday Roast

The family and relatives gather around the table on Sunday afternoons for a traditional meal of roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, vegetables, and gravy.

Toad in the Hole

Baked batter-coated sausage.

Yorkshire Pudding

Souffle-like baked specialty made with flour, milk and egg. Served with roast beef.

Locais (locals)

British Museum

The world-famous British Museum exhibits the works of man from prehistoric to modern times, from around the world. Highlights include the Rosetta Stone, the Parthenon sculptures and the mummies in the Ancient Egypt collection. Entry is free but special exhibitions require tickets.

The London Eye

The London Eye is a major feature of London's skyline. It boasts some of London's best views from its 32 capsules, each weighing 10 tonnes and holding up to 25 people. Climb aboard for a breathtaking experience, with an unforgettable perspective of more than 55 of London's most famous landmarks – all in just 30 minutes!

Desporto (sports)

Many of the world's famous sports began in Britain, including cricket, football, lawn tennis, golf and rugby

England's national sport is cricket although to many people football (soccer) is seen as our national sport. Football is our most popular sport. Some of England's football teams are world famous, the most famous being Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool.

Monumentos (monuments)

Tower Bridge

• Built in the late 1800s, Tower Bridge took over eight years to build.The bridge has walkways through the entire surface to allow visitors to walk the entire length of the bridge. The bridge hosts weddings, parties and other events - specifically at times during the day when the bridge lifts, an incredible sight that only few see in their lifetime.


• According to


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