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General Feat List of Johan Liebert [Manga]: Intelligence/Outsmarting Wise [Based on Chapters]

Chapters 3 – 5: The Hospital Plan

  • Upon the devastating news that Tenma will no longer be the head of neurosurgeon & demotion of his position of the hospital, Tenma visited an “asleep” Johan and shared about this experience, including the head of the hospital chief; Director Hieneman’s, thus stating of his greed, a person who is self-centered of his wealth rather than the lives of the people, consequentially wishing death on him by Tenma [Categories: None]
  • After Tenma left the hospital, it turns out that Johan awoke, unknowingly to Tenma’s attention. Upon hearing Tenma’s last words “I did all of that to save your life”, Johan felt as though he owed Tenma a favor in this instance [was confirmed from Chapter 8], so he decided to eliminate the head of Direct Hieneman who was hostile against Tenma, and his other affiliates as the best possible solution to not only promote Tenma, but escape from the hospital altogether. [Categories: Critical Thinking and Decision Making]
  • Johan decided to eliminate the Director alongside 2 other doctors who were hostile against Tenma through poisoning [It is assumed that Johan must have taken the poison substance somewhere when no one was noticing him since he was in the hospital]. Piles of sweets were given to both Anna and Johan due to Mass Media portrayal, which invokes some form of sympathy and sadness towards them, in which Johan chose a specific bag of candy to lace the poison on; whisky bon-bon [In speculation, he could have picked this sweet due to its popularity and quality in Germany. Top it off with the greedy nature of the Director, this makes more sense to do, thus Johan ANTICIPATED this to happen], consequentially made 2 of the other doctors eat as well in the process of it, in which the TRAP being made worked. [Categories: Anticipation, Fluid Intel, Psychological Understanding, ST Planning and Setting Traps]
  • After the news spread of the Director’s death alongside 2 other doctors, floods of new reporters and investigators began swarming around the hospital, to which they were blocked by staff. Tenma took it upon himself to push through the crowd and investigate the issue, to which a nurse informed us that the twins, Johan and Anna, were nowhere to be seen. Johan utilized the frenzy and chaos that was happening across the hospital in relation to the death of the director to escape with Anna. This had to be done to avoid any investigations carried out into both, and any traces back to Johan as well. Investigations could not hold any interrogations against Tenma due to an eyewitness of Tenma stating that he was being completely cut off from Johan’s hospital care, so therefore they didn’t have any evidence tracing back onto him, thus having an alibi. [Categories: Misdirection, Trace Erasure, Calculations and Outcomes]
  • At the end of Chapter 5, due to the elimination of the Director alongside with 2 other competitors against Tenma in hopes to becoming the head of the hospital, it was passed on to Tenma due to not having any other alternative individuals to take the job, ultimately succeeding in repaying Tenma back for saving him. [Categories: None]

Chapters 6 – 7: The Elimination of Junkers & 4 Middle Aged Couples

  • The Fall of Berlin has caused a siege of flood in East Germany. 4 Wealthy Middle-Aged couples who were childless [Could have adopted Johan during that time, in which he had to eliminate them as no one must know of his existence] according to Lunge, killed in the exact same manner. The Modus Operandi being performed with a knife slit to the throat. This was done to muffle any sounds that could arouse suspicions among the neighborhood when the crime is being committed, unlike a gun for instance. To reinforce this subtle crime being committed, Johan hired Adolf Junkers to break into the high security locking of the houses, to not create any unnecessary sound. The crimes were committed in a group; Fritz, Boris and Junkers to maximize the efficiency of crime without having the slightest bit of resistance from the couples. Also, with the flood, it erases away huge forensic evidence present in the crime scene, alongside these recurring murders that took around 2 years so that the police would not find an immediate pattern to them and assume it to be robbery. [Categories: Murder Complexity, Trace Erasure, Framing of Others, LT Planning, Fabrication of Narrative and Environmental Awareness]
  • Since Lunge & Local Police must have catched onto Adolf Junkers and his man, Johan’s next step was to eliminate them to cut off any leads or connections back to him, and Junkers being a major eyewitness to the case via Lunge’s statement, in which this step was necessary to make [Was confirmed by Chapter 8]. Adolf Junkers being chased by Johan crashed into a car by accident. He was then immediately performed surgery by Tenma and afterwards led to questioning by Lunge. As Lunge attempts to probe Junkers into an answer, Junkers couldn’t answer a single thing at all and ends up screaming in terror, which does display Johan’s control over his victims via psychological trauma. [Categories: Control over victims and Decision Making]
  • As Junkers was about to leave the hospital and visit Tenma, he was shocked by a police officer who was poisoned by the exact same candy that was used by Johan. This terrified Junkers that he began fleeing the hospital, in which Tenma saw the exact same incident chased after him in the process. Johan anticipated that Junkers would go to an abandoned building [easier to hide + no one would go there], in which Tenma followed Junkers all the way there. Upon the confrontation of Johan, Junkers confessed everything to Tenma of what truly happened, that they were hired by Johan to complete the Job. Tenma attempted to persuade Johan to not shoot, in which Johan subtly guilt trips Tenma by stating that Johan eliminating the Director was simply a “wish” of Tenma. In utter shock of Tenma realizing this, he could not do anything other than to be still. Johan also utilized the heavy downpour to muffle the gun sound being produced by him as he was shooting Junkers, thus washing away any forensic evidence in the crime scene as he leaves it.  [Categories: Anticipation, Environmental Awareness, Guilt Tripping and Trace Erasure]
  • Through the elimination of Junkers and his men, this cuts off any lead tracing back to Johan via eyewitness testimony that can be used to convict him, closing the case entirely. [Categories: None]

Chapters 9 – 15: Framing Tenma

  • Upon Tenma’s investigation of individuals revolving around the death in relation to one Middle-Aged Couple that adopted Johan in the neighborhood, it was found that Johan changed his name to Michael in that area so that there wasn’t a solid concrete connection back to Johan when that Middle-Aged Couple adopted him. To further reinforce this, Johan acted quite reserved, introverted and slight to make sure that he did not stand out towards the people around him. This had to be done so that there wasn’t an emotional imprint of himself nor any remembrance being committed to memory, so that when the crime was being committed in the future, there weren’t any leads back to Johan in the process, nor can those individuals trace the crime back to him due to an incomplete profile of a 14 year old Johan. He then repeated this process across the remaining couples by adopting different names so that when he tasked Fritz, Junkers and Boris to eliminate across different parts of Germany, there wasn’t a trace directing back to him on the records. Also, noteworthy to consider is that Johan memorized the EXACT locations of where these remaining couples who adopted him are, including their address and such, so that the crime that would be committed near the future on them would be operated smoothly [Categories: Acting Abilities, LT Planning, Preparation Process, LT Memory and EQ: Understanding]
  • Upon encountering the Old Man by Tenma, he explained that Johan adopted the name Franz and has been with the 2nd couple whom Johan murdered, stayed with for exactly 13 months without standing out too much from everyone else, thus preventing an emotional imprint, nor information about him. The Old Man went on to explain how Johan [Under the name of Franz] was capable of learning 2 languages; English & French in a “blink of an eye”, gaining complete mastery over two languages. This indicates that Johan’s learning adaptability, memory and linguistic intelligence was higher than the average person, thus displaying high level intelligence at just the age of 12 years old. He then went to explain that Anna was located at Heidelberg, where Johan sent Anna to the Fortner's in their care, until she reached the age of 20 years old. [Categories: LT Planning, Linguistic Intelligence; VCI, Working Memory Index and Processing Speed Index].
  • Johan’s plan to frame Tenma for the FORTNER’s death required him to LURE Anna out of the house at night so that the crime can be committed in which none can witness. Johan decided to send an email to Anna, in the form of love bombing; “I shall send you the most beautiful flowers, I was born to smother you with flowers”. To a girl like Anna, this felt like a dream to her, which piqued her curiosity to know more about the person who sent this to her. This strategy worked quite efficiently, as Anna listened and came to Heidelberg’s Castle at 7pm, which was the first step to lure Anna out of the FORTNER’s house to commit this crime, and her curiosity to discover her past due to witnessing Johan for the first time at the university as she collapsed solidifies this decision of her. [Categories: Setting Traps, Love bombing and Framing of Others]
  • As Tenma arrived at Fortner’s house right on time to be informed that Anna had left the house, Tenma chased after her to prevent any harm done to her. As he left, the Fortner’s and Mr Mauler decided to contact the police immediately to inform of the matter, in which Johan anticipated this and cut off the telephone line to prevent this outcome from happening. The arrival of Tenma soon after led to a fight between Gardner [Johan hired to keep watch of Anna in the Castle] and him, to the interference of Anna pinning him down on the ground, in which Tenma tied him up with a piece of tie. This was crucial in framing Tenma as the Tie would be evidence to evict Tenma on the crime scene via Lunge’s investigation of the matter. This entire charade bought Johan enough time to send it two corrupt cops [Both were blackmailed by Johan due to their involvement of drugs in the past in the later chapters], who were ordered to murder the Fortner’s + Mr Mauler that will make it seem as though Tenma was involved in the crime, ultimately FRAMING him in the process. [Categories: Anticipation, Misdirection, Blackmailing, Bribing, Framing of Others and ST Planning].
  • The ordeal death of the Fortner’s brought the attention to the Local Police, in which in attempting to convict the prime suspect, the two corrupted cops informed them about Tenma’s involvement in the crime, to which Tenma’s dismay, left the scene to prevent himself from getting caught. This in turn convergently direct to Tenma as the prime suspect to the local police, consequently towards Lunge’s attention in which he became fixated on Tenma, connecting all the way back to the 4 Middle Aged Couples that was murdered by Johan, towards Tenma in the end, FRAMING him on a Country Level Scale. [Framing of Others and Indirect Manipulation].

Chapters 17: The Death of The Springers

  • Upon Tenma’s meeting with Otto, while attempting to find whereabouts of Johan due to being a fugitive by the framing of Johan, was informed by Otto of the man who murdered the Springers through the task by Johan. Upon meeting the man for the first time, he related his story of how he met Johan for the first time to Tenma. This is where Johan’s individual manipulation takes place.
  • Johan met this man; let’s call him James for the first time in a bar. Johan created a sense of rapport and formulate a bridge of trust towards James by meeting him quite a few times in that bar with a smile on his face, which indicates friendliness and non-hostile intentions towards James, ultimately building a friendship between them. Johan then introduces James to the Springers, in which he gets to know about them more. Noteworthy thing to consider by Otto’s statement “I staked out of the place and I never saw the guy [Johan]” implies that Johan was methodical into not standing out too much in the family so that there wouldn’t be much individuals around the neighborhood to suspect a line of connection between him and the Springers when Johan manipulated James into murdering them for him. When Johan decided to eliminate the Springers, he did so by informing James that the Springers decided to destroy a bed of sunflowers to replace it with more parking room, this is incredibly crucial as James recounted his incident where he used to walk with his mother through sunflower fields. The seeds of suggestion grew even more when Johan told James that Mr Springer was having an affair from his wife, in which he recounted back to how his mother was another’s man’s mistress; a horrible memory in which he recalled back only fueled his desire. When James told Johan that what Mr Springer did was wrong, Johan simply agreed to it. This validity alongside with the fact that Johan told him that he was no longer a part of the family and manipulated James into eliminating the Springers in the end was the only possible thought James knew that could be done to eliminate and forget about his past, and this was done through isolating James and suggestions by Johan, as isolating a person where their thoughts are visible to Johan only strengthens Johan’s control over them. When James told Tenma on how he did so to “erase” his past memory he had recounting his mother’s incident, this shows that Johan was proficient in not only bringing the worst out of people through associate memories, but also brought the worst out of him through planting a suggestion in which James hope that could fulfill his wish; to forget about it. Afterwards, the conversation, James informed Tenma that Johan anticipated his arrival to find him, and James ends up killing himself out of guilt. [Categories: Social Skills, Suicide Insinuation, Murder Insinuation, Anticipation, Trace Erasure, ST Planning and Control Over Victims].
  • Noteworthy thing to consider is that since Johan was moving around quite a lot to re-enact his plan of ruling over Germany’s economy through the assassination of Schwald, he had to eliminate the Springers due to the same reason as to why he had to eliminate the 4 Middle Aged Couples in the end. Manipulation of James to get the Job Done was the most efficient way in not only eliminating the Springers but ends up framing James himself of this crime [Categories; Critical Thinking, Info Control, Misdirection].

Chapters 19 - 21: Kinderheim 511 [Requires AM]

Chapters 33 - 35: The Case of Jurgens

  • This chapter focuses on Peter Jurgens, who committed around eleven murders in the span of nine years without being caught by the FBI. His last murder, in which goes by the name of Kemp; Age 52 was done by Jurgens through the task by Johan [Kemp was killed through the same reason of the 4 Middle Aged Couples], in which the methods that was applied in subtly increasing Johan’s control over Jurgens is similar if not correlated of what he used through the Sunflower Guy; James.
  • Part 1; Johan sends Jurgens a letter without any address or sender on it. This was to ensure that when Jurgens was caught, he couldn’t apprehend Johan specifically for tasking him on the murder of Kemp on the later part. Jurgens commented on how the letter was written in such an affectionate and intimate manner at first, which irritated Jurgens, to the point where letters were sent almost every week. This was to ensure that Jurgen’s attention was kept and focused on the incoming letters, which displays subtle control Johan used to capture his focus without directly confronting him. Johan then purposely withdraw these letters, and this was done to ensure that Jurgens would be curious about it, as he even came to the conclusion that “They were fun, those letters, I remember thinking, maybe “he” really was my “friend”, therefore increasing Jurgens desire and curiosity to know more about it. [Categories: Information Control, Social Conditioning and Psychological Understanding]
  • Part 2; Johan then sends a letter to Jurgens to come to Ms. Kemp’s storage room, in which Johan had already pre-arranged everything for this psychological trap to succeed. Johan placed a Long-Haired Female Doll, many pictures in which was Johan cut out his childhood face to ensure that he wasn’t suspected and replaced with a younger Jurgens instead. Johan specifically picked the Storage room at the bottom because that when Ms Kemp comes back to her mansion and sleeping, Jurgens can kill her without her suspecting it while she was asleep. Applying the same principles in which Johan used on James; Sunflower Guy to increase one’s desire to forget about one’s past through the act of killing, Jurgens recounted how her mother would beat him up to the point where he would go down to his own basement [Johan specifically choosing the basement for Jurgens to visit is an incredibly way to recreate a horrible past] in which he would beg for the doll [Johan placed that doll on purpose so that it would be the first thing he remembers at first when he goes down] to save him, only for it to grin as Jurgens got beaten by his own mother in the darkness, alongside with the pictures being portrayed of Kemp being with a “young” Jurgens, this only made him think that Kemp was his “mother”. This recreation of a terrible past by Jurgens made him go on questioning about how “Johan” knew about his past, which then led him to a psychological confusion, ultimately wanting to forget due to being isolated of reason. The suggestion on the letter was simply the final nail, for Jurgens was isolated into a state of mental confusion, unable to think for himself, and saw killing Kemp as the only possible way out to rid of his terrible past. This plan worked successfully as when Jurgens murdered Kemp, he couldn’t directly accuse Johan of anything in the slightest. Possible theory to note that Johan could have gotten Jurgen’s information and his pattern of killings through newspapers and articles in Germany, to which he uses this pre-given information to orchestrate this crime, as Jurgens was quite a popular serial killer at that time, wanted by the FBI in particular [Parallel to Another Monster; The Axe Killer]. [Categories: Murder Insinuation, Insanity Inducement, ST Planning, Psychological Understanding, Setting Traps and Information Gathering].
  • Part 3: When Jurgens was finally being apprehended by the FBI and tried to explain that someone else insinuated him of this murder towards Gillen, this was inconsistent with Jurgen’s pattern of killing, as Jurgens would typically targets long hair girls, aged 16 – 18 to kill, which indicates killings out of sexual frustration according to Gillen’s deduction. But the killing of Kemp; age 52 was unusual for someone like Jurgens, the only possible theory in which could only be posited was that Kemp had multiple personality disorder, as Jurgens is classified as FBI’s typical “Orderly Killer”, who could murder Kemp to throw off any given profile to the FBI in their investigations, and as such if Tenma didn’t arrive on time in order to convince Gillen that Johan was pulling the strings, the whole case would have been closed and Johan would have been completely successful in cutting off any leads on this case and Jurgen’s testimony. This not only shows that Johan was selective in the killers he picked, but also has a good understanding of criminal psychology in its method of investigation as well. For even if Gillen were to found the letters in Kemp’s drawers, having the same message as what Johan left for Tenma about how “Help, the Monster inside me would have exploded” would already confirm Gillen’s suspicions, thus decreasing the credibility of Jurgen’s testimony. [Categories: Murder Complexity, Framing of Others, Misdirection of Killings, Psychological Understanding and Decision Making].

Chapters 41 - 42: The Psychological Complexity of Johan [Speculative Reasoning]

  • This analysis focuses much more on the uniqueness in Johan’s modus operandi to kill without leaving a “psychological” trace nor hint of emotion being put forward. Typically, in crime cases, the evidences left behind and the way in which it was executed would leave a sense of emotion or feeling on what type of crime would it be I.e., a crime of passion or aggression against the victims. In this chapter, Giebel who murdered Jobbs attempts to connect the crime scene he committed with the Platero of others in which Johan commits towards Lunge, but upon further investigation on Tenma & Lunge, we’ll see why it is quite difficult to profile Johan just by one of his crimes:
  • The crime scene showed that the murderer [Giebel] who used a knife to commit the crime against the victim [Jobbs] was mishandled, in other words presents sloppiness and carelessness in one’s conduct of crime
  • When Tenma attempted to recreate the crime, the murderer has the slightest hesitation in which he felt when he was targeting the mother of the victim. Lunge commented than in most of Johan’s killings, there wouldn’t be a slight hint of emotion as he realized when he looked into the mirror, nor would it be a crime of passion at best
  • This shows that Johan’s crimes are done to the point where recreating such a scene, to psychologically be in his “mind” is difficult to replicate due to how these crimes doesn’t possess a hint of emotion nor passion in them, the crime scene wouldn’t be committed in such a sloppy manner, so much so in the latest chapters Lunge went to “illogical” conclusions that Johan didn’t “exist” due to this issue he faced, or even went as far as referring to Tenma having DID at best. [Categories: Murder Complexity and Psychological Complexity]
  • It can be argued that Lunge was too FIXATED on Tenma being a latent criminal, but Gillen even had the exact same conclusion due to Tenma’s seemingly direct involvement in these cases most of the time on the first encounter. Having this in mind, it’s not surprising to see certain characters jumping to this conclusion due to how psychologically complex and skilled Johan was in his murders, and that Gillen alluded to the “DID messages” Johan sends to Tenma [Chapter 33] was mainly a typical hoax in which professional serial killers tend to use to evade such a crime I.e. Serial Killers such as Jack the Ripper, thus in nature, some of them are extremely intelligent and sociable by nature, although contrary to popular belief that most of them are severe introverts.
  • Not to mention the fact that Tenma had some form of connection to every single one of these crimes, his characteristics fitting the description of being intelligent and sociable, add to the fact that Lunge’s statement that the crimes first committed in the hospital can only be performed by an intelligent person simply fits the bill in their mind that Tenma could have DID in this case. Johan may have [speculatively] used this information to strengthens Tenma’s image since not only was he directly “involved/connected” in most of these murders, but the description of a person suffering from DID just fit the bill to the police, and as such shows Johan’s understanding at best of basic criminal psychology [Categories: Framing of Others and Psychological Understanding]

Chapters 45: The Underground Bank [Requires AM]

Chapters 49 - 55: The Isolation of Schuwald


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