A Pesquisa Satisfação
Por: lucyds0128 • 11/7/2022 • Seminário • 1.495 Palavras (6 Páginas) • 64 Visualizações
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Training Survey
- Partners that were taking trainings in 2019 and are not anymore in 2020
- We noticed that you completed several trainings in 2019, but none in 2020. What would be the reasons?
- Lack of time
- Difficult to access the ITP/IPU platform
- Failure to be rewarded
- Lack of relevant content
- Intel training is not useful for my role inside the company
- The trainings I would like to take are not available in my language
- Others (open field)
- What would motivate you to take more trainings?
- Empower my sales team to become an expert on Intel products
- More relevant content to my business
- Availability of training in my language
- Training length (should be faster)
- New training formats
- Ability to save my favorite topics and view training offline
- Earn rewards by training accomplishment
- Others (open field)
- How important is it for you to obtain training credits for your company to maintain or increase level within ITP program?
- Completely indifferent for me
- Never thought about it
- It is the main reason for me to complete the trainings
- Your interest in training is more focused on which content?
- Sales
- Marketing
- Technical Specifications
- Others (Open text box)
- Do you prefer training in which format?
- Webinars
- Online
- Podcasts
- Presential
- Interactive
- Others (Open text box)
- How much time are you willing to invest on training per month?
- Less than 1 hour
- Maximum 1 hour
- More than 1 hour
- I am not willing to invest any time per month on training
- Others (Open text box)
- Which phrase is most applicable?
- Intel training is the source of content that I use the most today to learn about Intel products and technologies
- I do not take part on training, but seek information through ITP or Intel.com (such as product specs)
- I prefer to look for other content sources than Intel to have an impartial vision
- In addition to Intel training, I also look for other sources of information
- How did you find out about the Intel trainings platforms?
- Program communications
- Through the site
- Referral from friends / colleagues
- My Intel account representative
- Others (open field)
- Do you have any suggestions / feedback on how we can improve your experience on the training platform?
- Have you attended a webinar session in the past 12 months?
- Yes
- No
1.1 If the answer was Yes:
Score from 1 to 5, how was the experience?
Please justify your note (Open text box)
1.2 If the answer was No:
Why don't you attend Intel's webinars?
- Themes are not relevant to my business
- Themes are repetitive
- They are very long
- I cannot attend because of the scheduled time
- Others (open field)
- What makes you invest your time in Intel Webinars?
- Relevant content for my business
- Training length
- Training format (I can interact with the presenters)
- Curriculum of presenters
- Awards / Incentives
- Others (open text box)
- I do not invest time in Intel Webinars
- Partners that were taking trainings in 2019 and keep in 2020
- Your interest in training is more focused on which content?
- Sales
- Marketing
- Technical Specifications
- Others (Open text box)
- Do you prefer training in which format?
- Webinars
- Online
- Podcasts
- Presential
- Interactive
- Others (Open text box)
- What would motivate you to take more training?
- Empower my sales team to become an expert on Intel products
- More relevant content to my business
- Availability of training in my language
- Training length (should be faster)
- New training formats
- Ability to save my favorite topics and view training offline
- Earn rewards by training completion
- Others (open field)
- How important is it for you to obtain training credits for your company to maintain or increase level within the ITP?
- Completely indifferent for me
- Never thought about it
- It is the main reason for me to complete the trainings
- How much time are you willing to invest on training per month?
- Less than 1 hour
- Maximum 1 hour
- More than 1 hour
- I am not willing to invest any time per month on training
- Others (Open text box)
- Which phrase is most applicable?
- Intel training is the source of content that I use the most today to learn about Intel products and technologies
- I do not conduct training, but seek information through ITP or Intel.com (such as product specs)
- I prefer to look for other content sources than Intel to have an impartial vision
- In addition to Intel training, I also look for other sources of information
- How did you find out about the Intel trainings platforms?
- Program communications
- Through the site
- Referral from friends / colleagues
- My Intel account representative
- Others (open field)
- Do you have any suggestions / feedback on how we can improve your experience on the training platform?
- Have you attended a webinar session in the past 12 months?
- Yes
- No
1.1 If the answer was Yes:
Score from 1 to 5, how was the experience?
Please justify your note (Open text box)
1.2 If the answer was No:
Why don't you participate in Intel's webinars?
- Themes are not relevant to my business
- Themes are repetitive
- They are very long
- I cannot attend because of the scheduled time
- Others (open field)
- What makes you invest your time in Intel Webinars?
- Relevant content for my business
- Training length
- Training format (I can interact with the presenters)
- Curriculum of presenters
- Awards / Incentives
- Others (open text box)
- I do not invest time in Intel Webinars
- Partners that were not taking trainings in 2019 and started it in 2020
- We noticed that you did not take intel trainings in 2019 but started in 2020. What would be the reasons?
- More time available
- I did not know the program / platform before
- I started to understand the benefits of intel training
- I started to understand the benefits of the program and I want to earn trainings credits
- Now there are more training with relevant subjects
- The new platform experience is much better
- Others (open field)
- Your interest in training is more focused on which content?
- Sales
- Marketing
- Technical Specifications
- Others (Open text box)
- Do you prefer training in which format?
- Webinars
- Online
- Podcasts
- Presential
- Interactive
- Others (Open text box)
- What would motivate you to take more training?
- Empower my sales team to become an expert on Intel products
- More relevant content to my business
- Availability of training in my language
- Training length (should be faster)
- New training formats
- Ability to save my favorite topics and view training offline
- Earn rewards by training accomplishment
- Others (open field)
- How important it is for you to obtain training credits for your company to maintain or increase level within the ITP?
- Completely indifferent for me
- Never thought about it
- It is the main reason for me to complete the trainings
- How much time are you willing to invest on training per month?
- Less than 1 hour
- Maximum 1 hour
- More than 1 hour
- I am not willing to invest any time per month on training
- Others (Open text box)
- Which phrase is most applicable?
- Intel training is the source of content that I use the most today to learn about Intel products and technologies
- I do not conduct training, but seek information through ITP or Intel.com (such as product specs)
- I prefer to look for other content sources than Intel to have an impartial vision
- In addition to Intel training, I also look for other sources of information
- How did you find out about the Intel trainings platforms?
- Program communications
- Through the site
- Referral from friends / colleagues
- My Intel account representative
- Others (open field)
- Do you have any suggestions / feedback on how we can improve your experience on the training platform?
- Have you attended to a webinar session in the past 12 months?
- Yes
- No
1.1 If the answer was Yes:
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