Por: Erika Bussinger • 24/4/2015 • Exam • 855 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 353 Visualizações
COMPOSITION 05: Billy Joel's song; "Piano Man"
I have the highest office in the Navy. I chose to join the Navy because I was a boy from a poor family who had to become someone in life. I really needed to help my parents. We were poor, and because of it, I had always dreamt of work in a wonderful profession by mean of which I could help my family with money. The years passed and when I was thirteen years old, I started to wish to work in the most respected job of my country. But, I had to study a lot until I had the right age to take the first step in this important career. And, nowadays I'm still studying and learning a lot as a Navy admiral!
But now I see that I am... I'm just a lonely man who works hard, and has earned a lot of money lately, but I don't have my own family, just the family with my parents and my four brothers. So I can see myself as a solitary person, trying to support myself as I try to help my parents, along with my brothers.
_I can see that you are feeling kinf of strangeness while I am talking about everything that I have done and everything that I have been feeling, but, as you can, I'm a little drunk and lonely, dear unknown pianist. I could live a normal life, have someone to love me, but I chose the side of life... - While I was talking about my problems to an employee of the bar, I could see that I was being watched by all the people who were pesent at the bar. So, he interrupted me.
_Hey sir! Pay attention in what I'm trying to tell you! So... Why are you embarrassed and why are you embarrassing the clientele? Could you stay calm, and respect the people around you? Please, you have to control yourself and don't dare to drink one more bowl of wine, you will have already drunk ten cups! A normal person wouldn't drink as much as you have been drinking! Please, for your sake, stop drinking! - Said the piano man, trying to stop the noise that was making him stop to playing his instrument.
I was being carried by two strong guards into the street, when the real state novelist asked for this tragic scene had a friendly and unconstrained end. But when I could walk alone, with my own legs, I started to cry, and I continued the discussion, warning people about my sad story.
_I hope your kids don't go through what I went through! I don't want families to experience extreme poverty, like I did. But I won! I overcame all the pain that I had and that my family and I suffered! And I also hope that you don't relive a scene like this! Who ever heard of a Navy admiral... I repeat... From the Navy! Being forcibly removed from this little... Place?
A man named John and the pianist Bill tried to defuse the situation, and they tried to make me relax, and then, they put me in a taxi with the greatest care in the world.
"An old man sitting next to me making love to his tonic and gin. He says, "Son, can you play me a memory? I'm not really sure how it goes, but it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete when I wore a younger man's clothes. "John at bar is a friend mine he gets me my drinks for free and he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke. "Well I'm sure that I could be a movie star If I could get out of this place"" - According the song, Bill is talking about arrival of John. After this arrived, John was talking with Bill about some of the reasons he's in the bar.