Brexit The Uncivil War Movie
Por: amarel0 • 9/6/2020 • Projeto de pesquisa • 363 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 128 Visualizações
CURSO - Técnico/a Especialista em Cibersegurança
CISEGP_10.19 - UFCD 5063 – Língua Inglesa
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Brexit: The Uncivil War
André Gouveia
Isaías Moreira
Grupo I
The targets in the movie “Brexit: The Uncivil War” were specific users from social networking services, most of them the abstention section from former elections, bottom all voters that are not on the UK electoral register. The leave side opted for manipulating voters preferences thanks to the algorithmic statistical analysis – based approach. AggregateIQ a technology company and a Canadian political consultancy that offer to build a database using social media tools. In practice, this involves mining personal information to identify millions of potential voters before micro-targeting them online with individualised campaign messaging.
This is taken from an article made from The Guardian and until today AIQ says that it’s false but the general idea must be this one so with that said, AIQ also had its IP owned by Cambridge Analytica, and often traded as SCL Canada, although a technically separate company, the IP was retained by Cambridge Analytica and SCL. They took a lot of data that Cambridge Analytica would acquire, and the algorithms they build and translated into the actual physical targeting online, the AIQ were actually the ones that distributed it. AIQ managed a platform which is Cambridge Analytica platform, and built most of the tech that would connect the algorithms to social online advertising networks, and also they used a comprehensive program of education, research and networking opportunities made by the SCL Canada, and with them they were the ones that took a lot of data that would acquire and with the algorithms they build (AIQ), they translated that into the actual physical targeting online and created a highly flexible personalized advertisements for political campaigns, able to predict outcomes and accordingly, evolve, adapt and change them in real time. With that they had access to a software that combines all social media, voter registries, electoral polls, and door-to-door campaigns together in one database, constantly updated.
In the movie It’s explicit that a decision of this importance should never be decided by a referendum.