Plano Inclinado
Dissertações: Plano Inclinado. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: Jota10 • 18/11/2013 • 203 Palavras (1 Páginas) • 610 Visualizações
Amazing Things
What would it be like?
To have faith to move a mountain
Faith to walk on water
Such faith I’ve never known
What would it be like?
To ride a chariot of fire
Or to see the God’s very finger
Write upon a stone
What would it be like?
To sleep among the lions
Or to build an ark
While laughter floods my ears
What would it be like?
Facing death to save my nation
Or be betrayed by my own brothers
And not harbor it for years
Faith the size of a seed
Can do amazing things
Amazing things
What would it be like?
To defeat a mighty giant
Or to see the belly of a whale
And live to tell
What would it be like?
Stripped of every last possession
To remain a true and faithful
Servant still
Faith the size of a seed
Can do amazing things
Amazing things
What would it be like?
To behold the Son and Father
Or see visions of what was
And what will be
What will it be like?
If I drink from hea6ven’s fountain
Having faith to move a mountain
Faith the size of a seed
Can do amazing things
With faith the size of a seed
What will He do through me?