Projeto de Inglês: Consumismo
Por: Pedro Henrique • 2/11/2017 • Trabalho acadêmico • 402 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 239 Visualizações
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Consumerism is something that is gradually increasing throughout the world and consequently becoming a rampant consumption for most people. Although there are several problems, they have a solution.
One of the main problems of unbridled consumption is that people have become so accustomed to buying, that they buy from time to time without need, buy only by buying.
Many women, for example, go out to buy a pair of trousers that they really need, but when they arrive at the store they end up buying more things, a shoe, a bag, everything because they look and like or because they match, or even because they are sale. They do not assess the need for other things, they can not control themselves.
Do we stop to think that much of the material we consume will stop in rivers, manhole, affecting the air we breathe and that affects the environment?
It is important that steps are taken to combat these problems. People should be aware of the need to buy something. We need to realize that it is not because we simply have the money to be able to buy everything we see before us that we should buy. Of course sentiments are welcomed when we buy something new, but planet Earth is no longer supporting a human exploitation of its natural resources. Humans need an incentive to reduce consumption and raise awareness, nowadays the problem is increasing due to the influences of new technologies. We must then consume only what is needed, spend with what we really need.
Thus, with uncontrollable consumerism, we are increasingly being enslaved by capitalism, for we apparently only recognize material values and no longer the personal value that each carries with it, making it necessary to consume to prove a good social position, also brought about by the accumulation of money in us Only becoming more needy, making society's conscience more difficult every day.
To conclude, Consumerism is one of the ills of the 21st century, in addition to turning people into slaves of money, it still ruins families because of unnecessary expenses. It would be important to raise awareness to reduce consumerism and to help people in need who really need it.