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Por:   •  11/3/2016  •  Artigo  •  1.194 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  266 Visualizações

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Nelson Dias dos Santos

Contract number: 370.536


Family Raising

To speak about the family raising will be needed pass by social control, reforcing the importance of family for the formation of citizenship giving a brief example of the Muslims to exemplify the idea of this search.


All social control starts from the idea postulated by Durkheim that society is above the individual, because this, when we are born, we have to adapt to it and, therefore, submit ourselves to their customs, moral values and rules of conduct. Human society has been built on certain values that are perpetuated by the Social Institutions. In this sense, it can be concluded that the task of carrying out social control is a task and responsibility of the institutions.

The efficiency of the means of social control is in the fear factor. Fear of suffering any reprisal by part of society or the group where it is. This is a retaliatory expulsion, deprivation of liberty, physical punishment or even death. The society and its institutions believe their alleged authority to apply the penalties to an individual who behaves badly.

In general, social control is described in laws and regulations, which are basically list of behaviors considered morally acceptable, correct, tolerated and immoral behavior. From there it can be understood that the law is the main instrument of coercion and control of the individual. The logic behind all this apparatus is apparently very simple: being social supremacy over the individual universally accepted and said “ authorities” acting as legitimate representatives of society, the best way to tell if a behavior falls into the moral dichotomy of right / wrong is through legislation, that is, turn into storable codes that which exists only in terms of ideas. Then, as the individual is necessarily lower than the collectivity, it has to abide by the established code and excel by doing what is accepted as right. If he stumbles, there is some level of tolerance in the law and it must be immediately punished to serve as an example to others, so that they do not make the same mistake.

Within social institutions, that stand out in the control is the Family, the State and Religion. However, the levels of control exercised by each are quite variable.


The family should be the main responsible for the formation of the citizen, serving to support the adaptation and educations process, to live in society.

A good education within the family, a good relationship with parents ensures a solid and secure base to face adversity, and acquire social maturity.

However, since the beginning of industrialization process, society undergoes changes that are reflected in family structure. With the entry of women into the labor market, the time available for the mother living for her children was reducing. Formerly women dedicated exclusively to the education of children. This family absence generates serious consequences in the formation, among them, individualism, egotism, the vanities, the accommodation to electronic amusements, among others that undermine the family structure.

The educator Antônio Carlos Gomes da Costa, one of the creators of the Statute of Children and Adolescents, say that from the time when children are loose in the community, there is a loss of reference in relation to the values that are important to the development of a solid base. “However, he said, is not enough to be present, It’s needed to know to educate correctly, that the challenge is the quality of that coexistence, which must be market by a strong component of educational presence”, says Costa.

In Brazil, the absence of parents in the education of children is a recurring because there are many educators inserted in the family who are not biological parents of the children who are under their responsibility, and always observe the education of children about the values, behavior and the evolution of learning, seeking to preserve the relational climate.

Nowadays, many parents are present by means of phone calls in the middle of the afternoon, tickets left at strategic places and collaborative tasks to family dynamics, because love and attention are also important.

The challenge for parents is the quality of that coexistence making it clear to the children limits and values, avoiding that young people seek other examples outside of the family structure, which is often full of deficiencies, it may show negative behaviors such as addictions and individualism, accommodation ,and, in the socio-economic aspect, the lack of basic needs to survive.

A good ally of the parents is school education, which formerly held a professional educator action today is also forming of citizen awareness of young people and children.


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