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Pesquisas Acadêmicas: Medicina. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  2/3/2015  •  257 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  364 Visualizações

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Special Tools and Equipment


1. Aileron Travel Gage 810-1 50-590091 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation

9709 E. Central Wichita, KS 67201 These tools are used for checking and setting flight control movement.

2. Not Used

3. Trim Tab Cable Stop Tool TS1176-1

(3/4“ hex)


(7/8" hex) Hawker Beechcraft Corporation

9709 East Central

Wichita, KS 672011 These tools are used for checking and setting flight control movement.

4. Rudder Travel Gage 810 96-5240000 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation

9709 East Central

Wichita, KS 67201 These tools are used for checking and setting flight control movement.

5. Elevator Travel Gage 810-1 50-590095 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation

9709 East Central

Wichita, KS 67201 These tools are used for checking and setting flight control movement.

6. Elevator Tab Travel Gage 810 50-590096 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation

9709 East Central

Wichita, KS 67201 These tools are used for checking and setting flight control movement.

7. Rudder Tab Travel Gage 810 96-630000-207 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation

9709 East Central

Wichita, KS 67201 These tools are used for checking and setting flight control movement.

8. Tab Deflection Check Fixture 810-1

45-135030-9 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation

9709 East Central

Wichita, KS 67201 These tools are used for checking and setting flight control movement. (May be fabricated refer to Figure 1).

9. Cable Tensiometer TP222 Obtain locally Check tension.

10. Stall warning force applicator 990-4 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation

9709 East Central

Wichita, KS 672011 Check stall warning indicator force.

11. Voltmeter Fluke Model 8000A or 8100A Obtain Locally Check voltage.

12. Push-Pull Scale (Spring type, 25-lbs or more capacity) Obtain locally Check control force.

13. Dial Indicator C81Q Federal Products Providence, RI Tab free-play check.


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