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Non Ethnic - Não ética

Por:   •  24/12/2015  •  Pesquisas Acadêmicas  •  342 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  539 Visualizações

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The Non-ethnic

   Eriksen reflects about the non-ethnic in this last chapter. On the first topic, Current Tensions in Social Theory, Eriksen mentions that some concepts are being questionable such as society and the category of individual. There are also other authors who defend a rethinking of concepts.

    Next, the author initiates the topic of Changes in the Social World. The time mark is the Post-Cold War where new Nation-States were created. He also mentions the ideology changes, the transfer of power (with the case of EU), and the global ideological movements. Now the world is more consumerist and there is also a global culture, the author gave the example of Coca-Cola and the internet.

   About Identities and Loyalties, Eriksen approaches somethings that happen in contemporary world, such as social identities and how in some transnational companies the employees are trained to be loyal to their company and its common that companies send some workers to other branches outside of their home country. This creates a kind of standardization of workers.

   When the author starts the topic about Gender, Ethnicity and Nationalism, he mentions how women are subordinated, and how it’s seen that women have a despicable contribute to society. Unfortunately it’s a real problem, I’ve already experience some unhappy situations just for being woman, and I’m living in a developed country in 2015.

   Then the author reflects about The End of Ethnicity where he gives the example of the ethnical segregation at the Mauritanian labor market but at the same how they come back to their country after finishing high level studies abroad. It’s paradoxical. Eriksen even adds two chief factors militating against the fusion of ethnic categories: family and religion.

   I would like to share an article I’ve read today, about the gap between gender CEO’s. Beyond countries, years, education the gender gap and the salary gap are real and this was just an example.


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