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Сolonização do Brasil

Resenha: Сolonização do Brasil. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  17/11/2014  •  Resenha  •  515 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  297 Visualizações

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At the beginning of the colonization of Brazil (16th century), there was in Brazil for workers performing heavy manual work. At the beginning of the colonization of Brazil (16th century), there was in Brazil for workers performing heavy manual work. The English sought to use the work of the Indians in crops; However, this slavery could not be carried forward because religious stood in defense of the Indians condemning their slavery. So, they started to do the same as other Europeans of that time. They were searching for blacks in Africa to submit them to slave labor in their colony. And thus began the entry of slaves in Brazil.

Black people, brought from the African continent, were transported in the holds of slave ships. Because of the bad conditions of this means of transport, many of them died during the journey. After landing they were bought by farmers and gentlemen of ingenuity, that treated so cruel and inhumane.

Although many consider normal and acceptable, slavery at that time, there were those who were against this kind of practice, but were in the minority and had no political influence for change the situation and slavery remained for almost 300 years. The main factor that kept slavery for a long period was the economical. The country's economy had only with the slave labor to carry out the tasks of the farm and other as heavy as these. The measures for the liberation of the slaves, according to some politicians of the time, should be taken slowly.

From 1870, the southern region of Brazil began to employ Brazilian and foreign immigrant workers. In the North, the sugar-producing plants have replaced the primitive machines, a fact that enabled the use of a smaller number of slaves. Already in major cities, it was great wish the emergence of industries. In order not to cause financial damage to farmers, the Brazilian Government, pressed by the United Kingdom, was reaching your goals slowly. The first step was given in 1850, with the extinction of the slave trade. Twenty years later, was declared to be “Ventre-Livre” Law (September 28, 1871). This law made it free to the children of slaves who were born from the Declaration of the law. In 1885, was approved the law “Saraiva-Cotegipe” or “dos Sexagenários” that benefited Blacks more than 65 years.

But only in May 13, 1888, through the “Áurea” Law, that total and definitive freedom was finally achieved by the Brazilian blacks. This law, signed by Princess Elizabeth (daughter of Dom Pedro II), abolishing slavery from time to time in our country.

The life of blacks in Brazil after abolition:

After abolition, the lives of black Brazilians continued very difficult. The Brazilian State did not bother to provide conditions for the former slaves could be integrated into the labour market. Many sectors of the Brazilian elite continued with prejudice. Proof of this was the preference for European labour force, which has increased a lot in Brazil after the abolition. Therefore, the majority of blacks encountered great difficulties to get jobs and keep a lifetime with minimal conditions necessary (mainly education and housing).


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