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Conversa em Ingles

Por:   •  30/11/2016  •  Resenha  •  491 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  278 Visualizações

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Rachel: Good Morning Girls!

Girl 1: Good Morning!

Girl 2: Good morning, how are you Rachel?

Rachel: I'm not good...

Girl 1: What Happened?

Rachel: The are some things that I don't like about myself.

Girl 2: What things?

Rachel: There are some things, but what I  least like about myself is my nose.

Grisl 1: C'mon, your nose is beautiful.

Girl 2: She's rigth, you're beautiful. Why you don't kile your nose.

Rachel: It's too large. I was thinking about going to a doctor to see what I can do to change this. What you think?

Girl 1: You're crazy...Actually, I think I know someone who can help you with this problem.

Rachel: Really?

Gril 2: Sure... Girl 1, you know who i mean, don't you?

1G: Ooh Yeah! I remember this doctor, she's awesome.

Rachel: This is awesome girls.

Girl 2: Yeah, i'll call her and see if we can go today if you want.

Rachel: I would love to.



Crsitine: Hey Girl 1, whats up?

Girl 1: Hey, I'm fine, and you?

Cristine: Me too, thank you.

Girl 1: So, i have a friend, and she's with some probles to accetp herself. Do you think you can help her?

Cristine: Ooh, of course. What's her name?

Girl 1: I'ts Rachel.

Cristine: What she doesn't like about herself?

Girl 1: She is beautifull, but she thinks that her nose it's too large and it's thinking about going to a doctor to make a surgery.

Cristine: Can you bring her here today?

Girl 1: Of course.

Cristine: Ok, see you later.

Girl 1: See you, and thank you for help me.


Rachel: Girls, where are we? This don't seems like a clinic.

Cristine: Welcome to my studio!! It is a pleasure to see you both!!

Rachel: Girls, do you know her?

Girl 1: Yeah we know her....

Cristine: And you must to be Rachel, am I right?

Rachel: Yes, and you are....?

Cristine: I'm Cristine, nice to meet you.

Rachel: Nice to meet you too. Girls what are we doing here?

Girl 1: We told you that we knew someone who could help you.

Cristine: You was right Girl 2! She is really beutifull. Rachel would you like to take some pictures to my magazine?

Rachel: What? You have to be kidding me... This is seriously?

Girl 2: Rachel, that idea to go to the doctor...

Girl 1: We didn't like,  and we think that if you see how beautifull you are without change your face you could change your mind.

Rachel: I don't understood!

Cristine: Look, you're beautifull adn if you change youre face, you will not be you anymore.

Rachel: But my nose....

Cristine: We can take some pictures and photoshoped your nose, so you can see that this will cahnge you completely.

Rachel: Ok, let's do this.


Rachel: Wow, this is how i'll look like if I do the surgery?

Girl 2: Yeah, you see? This is not you.


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