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Curiosidades sobre dois estados americanos

Por:   •  14/10/2015  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  2.712 Palavras (11 Páginas)  •  406 Visualizações

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Trabalho de Inglês


Trabalho apresentado para avaliação na disciplina de Língua Inglesa Nível Intermediário II, do curso de Licenciatura em Letras, turno Noturno, da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais ministrado pela professora Me. Luciene Leite Lima.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The United States of America is a rich country landforms. They are very well used by the gorgeous natural landscapes. When you travel in the US, you have the opportunity to visit more than one State because of its proximity and various sights.

Because of this, I'll talk about two of the most visited states in the country, Nevada and Arizona. Nevada is located in the city of Las Vegas, which borders the state of Arizona. In Arizona's Grand Canyon, one of the patrimonies of humanity and is just 370 kilometers from Las Vegas. Visiting Las Vegas, helps make the visit to the Grand Canyon on the same occasion.


It is one of 50 states of the United States of America, located in the Southwest region of the country. The population growth rates are among the highest across the country. Most regions receive less than 40 centimeters of rain per year, and very hot in summer and mild in winter. Mountainous regions of higher altitude, however, have a more wet and cold weather. Much of the state is sparsely inhabited. Most of the population is concentrated around two urban centers: Phoenix, the largest city and the state capital, and Tucson. The nickname of the state is The Grand Canyon State, for housing in the North one of the most popular natural tourist attractions in the United States and the world, the Grand Canyon. Limited to the south and southwest with the Mexican states of Sonora and Baja California in the west to the American states of California and Nevada, north to Utah, and east to New Mexico. It has few permanent rivers - although it has a number of temporary rivers - partly because of the desert climate that dominates much of the state. The most important river is the Colorado River, which is also the state's largest river.[pic 1][pic 2]

Grand Canyon

Watch the live Grand Canyon should be on your travel list to do before you die. When it comes time to plan a visit, however, you find

yourself on the edge of a cliff logistics. The access options are numerous - almost all, unfortunately, very complicated. Hotels inside the park with a crazy crowd in advance, and all other access points are distant. (No, the canyon is not Las Vegas ladinho as you always imagined.) Where to go? What to do? Than give up? Come on.[pic 3]

The boldest reserve just one day to make a detour to the Grand Canyon, usually leaving Las Vegas. This is only feasible if you cacifar an expensive hit-and-light plane around - or else settle for Grand Canyon West, which lies outside the national park. The ideal minimum stay is for two nights, either within the park, is one of the nearby towns. Those who enjoy outdoor activities will find fun for four days, easy.[pic 4]

Classical visit to the Grand Canyon is done through the southern access of the National Park (450 kilometers from Las Vegas, 100 kilometers of Williams, 135 km from Flagstaff). Twelve spectacular viewpoints and a series of dizzying trails help make this the most visited section of the canyon. The South Rim is open the year round; in the northern hemisphere summer (June to August) tends to fill with tourists. Admission is $ 30 per car or $ 15 per person entering van or bus; the pass valley for a week (including going to the North Rim). Buy your tickets in shops of the town of Tusayan; so you do not get the queue the ticket.

You are free to zanzar between viewpoints - on foot, with his car (watch out for potential bans) or using the great bus service available to visitors. It is worth returning to their favorite spots at different times of the day; the light has the power to change the landscape, especially at dusk. The remaining activities within the canyon, however, is strictly regulated. The mule ride to the base of the canyon (restricted to 10 visitors per day), overnight at Phantom Lodge (near the Colorado River) and a boat ride through the rapids (lasting 4-21 days) must be reserved in between nine twelve months in advance. The only ride that is still easy to make is the helicopter tour (between US $ 180 and US $ 200 per person for a half-hour journey). But do not be late: the ride is under fire from environmentalists, who want to end the overflights. When the tours can be made only in the Dragon Corridor, one will observe magnificent allowing the South Rim to the North Rim. Within a few years it may be only allowed to fly over the canyon outside the park boundaries.

The best guided tours can be arranged at the visitors center of the National Geographic of Tusayan walks and tours conducted by geologists and biologists. The site also operates the IMAX cinema; it pays to start your visit to the award-winning film about watching the Grand Canyon displayed on the giant screen (by the way: today filming the canyon base would not be allowed by the park management).

The northern entrance to the National Park (400 kilometers from Las Vegas, 200 km from Page) is the least frequented. Opens only from May 15 to October 15, has only three lookouts and poor stewardship. It is the Grand Canyon for beginners - and for those wishing to admire the views (spectacular) and make tracks without much company. The vegetation and fauna are unique: the North Rim is more than 300 meters above the South Rim; the weather is cooler and the air thinner. Admission is $ 30 per car or $ 15 per person entering van or bus, and it for 7 consecutive days (including to go to the South Rim).


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