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Exercícios de inglês

Por:   •  5/8/2015  •  Exam  •  660 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  238 Visualizações

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1) Read the text and answer the questions in English or Portuguese.(Leia o texto e responda as questões em inglês ou português.)

I am writing to make you aware of some of the problems we face in this city.

I have been in New York for three years now, and every time I open the newspaper, I feel like going back to my little town in Kansas. New York is a very dangerous place. Crimes and disasters happen every day and every minute in this city.

Yesterday, a young woman was killed on the subway. A week ago, two children in my neighborhood were hit by a car while they were crossing a street. I really wonder this is the right place to live and bring up my children. Can’t the authorities do something about it?

I would be grateful if you would publish my letter, and if the authorities would do something to protect ordinary citizens.

a- Como a cidade de New York é descrita no texto acima?


b- O que a pessoa que escreveu a carta acima espera conseguir com a sua publicação?


2) Compare the following.

a- The USA _______________________________________________Brazil.

b- Portuguese ______________________________________________Mathematics.

c- My teacher _____________________________________________me.

d- Vectra _________________________________________________Fusca(1966).

e- The dogs _______________________________________________the cats.


. rich –rico . violent- violento . poor- pobre

. smart – esperto . happy- feliz . easy- fácil

. big- grande . powerful- potente . short- baixo

3) Construa frases no SUPERLATIVE usando os adjetivos dados.

a- Vectra/Fusca/Fiat Uno (expensive) - ________________________________________________________

b- Vectra/Fusca/Fiat Uno (cheap)- ___________________________________________________________

c- Bangu/Petrópolis/Teresópolis (hot)- ________________________________________________________

d- Science/Biology/English (easy)- ___________________________________________________________

e- Flamen./Flumin./Vasco/Botaf. (good)- ______________________________________________________


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