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Fundamentos da lingua inglesa

Por:   •  14/8/2015  •  Resenha  •  378 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  272 Visualizações

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Today seems be one more cold day, but for me something inside of me is different. I don’t know why reason I remember that terrible day where I had my heart broken. Maybe for this month be like that month, I really don’t know, is hard for me remember everything. I  already forgive, bur since that day sometimes I feeling me so empty, so hollow look like if I was other person… the true is I’m felling down today… maybe or don’t have  a job or for don’t fall in love for someone or for don’t have someone fall in love for me, is complicate be i. perhaps I’ll away this calm life, although here I’ve all I want, no so fast as I had there, but I can have all. Just have patience is all I need to have now, it’s hard but I’ll can.

When I was a child

I always dreamed and played with my child’s friends

Was good times

I appreciate every moment ‘cause was my moments when I had the truth beside me

I remember as if was today, I looking make good memories where I can take with me forever

Today I finally realize I was  an innocence child

Just are my felling played in the wind, sometimes I only wanted forget all

My imagination (pixel) lie to my heart

I try not to think about you

I Pretend that I don’t wanna see you

But I cant live without you

True is that I have much fear what comes happen by now, I don’t know what I can do, however my life always forced me in moving on, and doesn’t matter what happen I’ve moving on, because it doesn’t matter what happen, doesn’t matter how many times I fall in my own tears is need keep my feet on the ground and be brave.  

And the days pass for me like a hurricane, is like a wrecking ball breaking all my walls, can be a illusion can be all my lies or still can be my trues I really don’t care because this issue is not about me is about you, is about your bad fellings and your bad personality… but I really loved you. Maybe be worth or no is complicate talk about it to you


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