Por: Rosangela Barbosa • 20/8/2018 • Exam • 2.621 Palavras (11 Páginas) • 196 Visualizações
1st) Read the text bellow and answer the questions. ( Leia o texto abaixo e responda as perguntas.)
[pic 1] [pic 2] The wind [pic 3]
George: Stop, Jim! My hat!
Paul: Your hat?! Where is your hat, George?
George: Look! Over There !
Paul: Our hats ! The wind is taking away our hats !
Bob and Jim run after their hats.
a) Which the text title ?( Qual o título do texto?)
b) How many characters there are in the text? Cite-the.(Quantos personagens há no texto? Cite-os.)
c. Remove and identify what kind There are pronouns in the text. (Retire e identifique que tipo de pronomes há no texto.) ___________________________________
d. The translation the following sentence of the text is.(A tradução da seguinte frase do texto é:)
- Stop, Jim! My hat!
( )Espere , Jim! Meu Boné !
( ) Espere ,Jim! Meu chapéu!
( ) Pare ,Jim! Meu chapéu !
( ) Pare, Jim ! Meu boné!
2nd) Complete the sentences. Use the correct Reflexive Pronouns. ( Complete as frases. Use os pronomes reflexivos corretos.)
a. I cut_________________when I was cooking.
b) Marco hurt her fingers by_____________________.
c) They have taken a photo of ___________________.
d) Rosie made this dress_______________________.
e) we aren’t sad with you. We’re sad with__________.
3rd) Assinale the correct alternative. (Assinale a alternativa correta.)
- Lucy and Mary made___________the final test.
a. themselves b.herself c. himself d. itself
- Sally studies by________________________.
a.myself b. herself c. themselves d. itself
- Look the dog is washing__________ in the pool.
a.himself b. ourselves c. itself d. herself
- Julie and I helped__________to some hot dogs at the party.
a.itself b. himself c. herself d. ourselves
4th) Substitute the underline nouns by Subject pronouns. (Substitua os substantivos destacados pelos pronomes com função de sujetito.)
a) Jessica is a teacher.__________________________
b) Peter and Mary are happy._____________________
c) The man is at home.__________________________
d) The cat is black and white.______________________
e)The students want to read the text. __________________________________________
5th) Rewrite the sentences substituting the underline words by Object Pronouns. ( Reescreva as frases substituindo as palavras sublinhadas pelos Pronomes Objetos.)
a) I told David the truth._________________________
b) I don’t understand Anna.______________________
c)I kissed my dog._____________________________
d) Robert kissed you and me.____________________
e) katie met her parents at the airport. __________________________________________
1st) Read the text bellow and answer the questions. ( Leia o texto abaixo e responda as perguntas.)
Maggie is a good grandmother. She is sixty-five years old. Paul is fifty-two years old. Linda is a pretty girl. She’s eigteen years old. Bart is a chubby baby. He is two years old.
a) Which the text title ?( Qual o título do texto?)
b) How many characters there are in the text? Cite-the.(Quantos personagens há no texto? Cite-os.)
c. Remove and translation the numbers there are in the text. (Retire e traduza os números que há no texto.) _____________________________________________
d. The translation the following sentence of the text is.(A tradução da seguinte frase do texto é:)
- Linda is a pretty girl.
( ) Linda é uma menina feliz.
( ) Linda é uma mulher maravilhosa.
( ) Linda é uma garota maravilhosa.
( ) Linda é uma garota feliz.
2nd) Match the columns. (Relacione as colunas.)
( ) Three ( ) 40
( ) Nine ( ) 12
( ) Twelve ( ) 03
( ) Thirty ( ) 30
( ) Forty ( ) 09
3rd Write : CORRECT or INCORRECT. (Escreva : Correto ou Incorreto.)
a)Sixty+ six= sixty-six __________________________