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Por:   •  30/8/2016  •  Exam  •  1.076 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  216 Visualizações

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Inglês Instrumental


Routine Active and Sedentary Behavior Patterns in U.S. Adults

United States Department of Agriculture Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion: Research report 0987/2003


Parents are central influencers of physical activity in their children. Doing moderate-intensity physical activity in their daily routine may help parents model this desirable behavior for their children. Reducing the time spent in parental sedentary behaviors, such as television watching or computer use, may also serve as a model for children to use time appropriately.

To determine typical patterns of physically active and sedentary behaviors as part of daily routines among U.S. adults, this study examined the reported frequency and time spent in two routine physical activities and time spent in two sedentary behaviors.


Questions used for the analyses included frequency and/or average amount of time spent in each of the following activities in the past 30 days:

• Walking or bicycling to work, to school

• Engaging in moderate or higher intensity household task

(such as mowing the lawn or heavy cleaning) for more than 10 minutes.

• Sitting and watching television or videos.

• Using a computer or playing computer games, outside of work.


Approximately three-quarters (73.8 percent) of adults (ages 19 and older) reported that they had not walked or bicycled to work or school in the past 30 days.

While about 70 percent of all adults reported that, at some point in the last 30 days, they had engaged in moderate or higher intensity household tasks for at least 10 minutes, most did so twice a week or less.

A much larger percentage of adults reported that they spent time in sedentary behaviors on a daily basis. About two-thirds of all adults (67.5 percent) reported watching TV or videos an average of 2 hours or more per day in the past 30 days. In addition, a quarter of adults (25.2 percent) used a computer outside of work or played computer games an average of 2 hours or more per day.


As shown by these results, the typical daily behavior pattern for most adults in the United States includes several hours a day in sedentary behaviors, such as watching TV and/or using the computer. In contrast, it is not the norm for U.S. adults to walk or bicycle to work or school or to do errands as part of their daily routine, or to do more than 10 minutes or more of physically active household chores on a daily basis. The research suggests that these patterns of behavior serve as models for many children—that being sedentary is the norm and that being physically active is not. Note that this analysis did not include time spent in leisure-time physical activities, including sports, walking or running, or exercising.

Adults should be encouraged to decrease the amount of time they spend in sedentary activities and increase time being physically active every day. These changes are important not only for personal health, but as a role model for children’s behavior patterns.

(adapted from

Glossário: behaviour: comportamento; desirable: desejável; spent: gasto; such as: como, por exemplo; spent: gasto; patterns: padrões; daily: diária; amount of: quantidade de; engaging in: estar envolvido/ engajado em; household task: tarefa doméstica; mowing the lawn: cortar grama; reported: relataram; at least: pelo menos; average: em média; decrease: diminuir; health: saúde

1- Que tipo de texto (gênero) é este? (1 ponto)

A ( ) um manual para atividades domésticas

B ( ) uma reportagem de jornal

C ( ) um relatório de pesquisa

D ( ) uma propaganda de jornal

2- Pode-se afirmar que o texto foi produzido por: (1 ponto)

A ( ) uma associação de pais

B ( ) uma firma de computador

C ( ) um órgão governamental

D ( ) uma editora americana

3- A pesquisa parte do pressuposto geral de que: (1 ponto)

A ( ) crianças são influenciadas por professores

B ( ) crianças não devem usar computadores


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