Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching
Por: Michelle Vargas • 19/6/2016 • Resenha • 932 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 836 Visualizações
Language teaching can be an incredibly complex job since it offers teachers many different methods and approaches that can be availed. However, are we teachers aware of this variety? Can we say what is behind our actions? Or even more, are these actions really in accordance with the thoughts/principles we have?
Throughout the second edition of the book Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Diane Larsen-Freeman introduces us to a variety of techniques and their principles in the most descriptive and didactic way. Being as neutral as possible, the author invites us to do the same: to be open-minded and understand all techniques and principles presented before judging them. It would be possible then to experiment and adapt one or more techniques according to our own teaching environment, enriching our classes and improving our performance not only as teachers, but also as constantly learners.
This review intends to summarize and, in a certain way, analyze Larsen-Freeman´s research, although, due its great value for teachers, it is truly recommendable its complete reading. Because of some length limitations and in order to incite the reader´s curiosity, it will not go over the techniques presented by the author. Few critique remarks will be made within it.
Freeman starts the introduction of her book clarifying the goals of the study presented. She intends to give teachers an opportunity to learn more about the different links between actions (techniques) and thoughts (principles) in language teaching; to realize the principles and beliefs that lead us to teach the way we do and, finally, to show us the array of techniques that can be used in classroom.
Along her book, Freeman brings us an interesting analysis among language teaching methods and techniques and invites us to see beyond teachers' actions. According to the author, it is very important that teachers become aware of the thoughts that make us act the way we do when giving classes; this way we can deeply think about the reasons that lead us and even change the way we think or do things as teachers.
In order to achieve her purposes, Freeman goes inside fourteen different classrooms and describes us in details the different techniques observed. This didactic way of showing how the classes are given help us feel inside the classroom as observers as well and make this experience more tangible and also enjoyable. Nevertheless, it would be very useful if some private classes were attended as well, in order to help teachers that have only one student to see how the exposed techniques could be applied.
The fourteen methods in which we are immersed are The Grammar-Translation Method, The Direct Method, The Audio-Lingual Method, The Silent Way, Desuggestopedia (known as Suggestopedia before), Community Language Learning, Total Physical Response, Communicative Language Teaching, Content-based, Task-based, Participatory Approaches, Learning Strategy Training, Cooperative Learning and Multiple Intelligences. All the classes are introduced the same way: a brief description of the classroom and students and a more detailed description of how the class in conducted. Some of the teachers' and students' lines are transcribed and we can really feel as we were also watching the class. Freeman, besides describing the classes, also informs us how they are going to be along the week so