Deliquência Juvenil
Por: Paixão Henrique • 24/2/2016 • Trabalho acadêmico • 2.058 Palavras (9 Páginas) • 333 Visualizações
1 - Causes of the delinquency
2 - Family experiences related with the antisocial behavior
3 - Juvenile delinquency, paper of the Family and School
4 - An abysmal Distinction between a citizen thief and a good citizen
4.1 - persistent antisocial behavior
4.2 - dynamisms cognitive partner in the delinquency
4.3 - consequences of the delinquency
The juvenile delinquency refers to the capable criminals committed by minor of age. Many countries possess legal procedures and different punishments (in the general more lessened) to the juvenile criminals, in relation to criminals of age.
The juvenile delinquency, only for the fact of having as base the youths, he/she also sees himself as causes, the relatives' abandonment. The youths for they find not what you/they don't have in the family breast, leave for the street seeking things that in which will take possession. In some cases they end for harming the society.
1 - Causes of the delinquency
It is unquestionable that the physical growth, and the psychological modifications, they are considered as portions of a whole that he/she is the human being.
Like this, THE increase of the juvenile delinquency, as the rebellions, the respect lack to the adults has been worrying the government, as well as the society and until the Average, leaving, in certain sense, without answer for that phenomenon that afflicts the society. Among the comments and discussions on the subject, the main presented causes were the family disaggregation, the involvement with drugs and the bad companies. We can mention like this the first two points of the causes of delinquencies:
- The first model conceives that the deviation results of a collapse among the authority structures and of I control social.
- And the second, that the deviation appears as answer to problems with that the youths are confronted in the process of construction of their social identities.
In the whole universe, the violence is an urgent challenge; a subject of psychological order and social, big importance that she have been coming to combat, on the part of many psychologists and sociologists.
The juvenile delinquency refers to the criminal acts committed by adolescents. The juvenile delinquency usually begins in ages among the 10-11 years, going to the 16-18 years depending at the country that is.
In the interviews made to the relatives more than 25% of the parents affirmed to have relatives with problems as the alcoholism or addiction in drugs, those high numbers that you/they demonstrate the need to intervene in the reality of those families in a systematic way creating public politics for you assist them.
2 - Family experiences related with the antisocial behavior
The main delinquency cause in the psychological point of view is the parents' estrangement that you/they don't know their children's day by day and not even the own ones. Already for the sociological, the delinquency is fruit of the exclusion and of the erroneous privation of goods and services and wealth and benefits.
In the point of view sociological, education, psychological and religious, the criminals reject the moral values, they disfigure the "freedom of expression", they act their own wills accordingly, they don't worry about the neighbor, they live in an extravagant way (libertinism), they stick to the addictions, they are satisfied with the violence and he/she still practices her/it in an explicit way,
With the passage of the time there is tendency for the antisocial individual to wrap up in acts of growing gravity - process of progression of the risk along the education. Among these:
- Frequent resource to external corporal punishments;
- Resource frequents the coercive and controlling behaviors;
- Tendency to reinforce inadequate behaviors or to ignore or to punish for-social behaviors;
- Inconsistent discipline practices (e.g., severe punishment on the part of the father; he/she disciplines permissive on the part of the mother).
3 - Juvenile delinquency, paper of the Family and School
The quality of the precocious relationships and the vinculação process in the relationship mother and son seem to be fundamental in the structuring and in the organization of the human being's personality. From time to time, the complexity of the family relationships will influence the cognitive capacities, linguistics and effectives, in the autonomy process, and of the socialization, as well as in the construction of the children's values and young.
Psychologists affirm that he/she enters the 2 á 3 years of age, they begin to appear manifestations of the statement of the ego-personalistico, in this phase the child usually tries to affirm and to exercise to can on the family, what frequently happens for the negativism.
4 - An abysmal Distinction between a citizen thief and a good citizen
It can come a partner-psychological explanation, affirming that the circumstances in that the person lives, they take her/it to be a decent person or indecent. Like this being, the statement could be deepened saying that the human being is a psico-partner-somatic being in construction. Consequently it is in the process of construction of his/her personality that and the personality or to be in a certain place and we be observed for other, and of his/her social structuring that the human being is formed as good citizen or as thief.