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Desenvolvimento de novos clientes e estratégias de gestão no segmento de RH

Projeto de pesquisa: Desenvolvimento de novos clientes e estratégias de gestão no segmento de RH. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  26/2/2015  •  Projeto de pesquisa  •  655 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  371 Visualizações

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Dannilo Fernandes de Souza

29 anos

#265# Maria Diniz Ferreira St. – Havaí – Belo Horizonte, MG.

 (31) 97675809/ 33742688 / e-mail:



 Bachelor in Administration – Foreign Trade – UNA

 Specialization MKT Management – Fundação Dom Cabral


• To be responsible for developing new customers and managerial strategies in personnel management segment (Corporate Assessment);

• To be responsible for preparation and analysis of the budget (Forecast) of potential customers and current customers with the areas of business development and management;

• To experience the analysis of import and export processes in Audit, Tax Monitoring in actions and procedures, documentation, Safety Warrant, DI's, Inspection Report;

• Price Negotiation of service annually;

• Project management, analysis of the resources to be employed, schedule evaluation.

• To develop new suppliers, seeking the best conditions in contracts, products and services.

• To continue improving of processes and indicators and satisfaction as progessivo increase in contract customers and expansion.

• SAP Knowledge

• To participate in internal and external audits.


 English: Fluent

 Spanish: Advanced


HEINEKEN DO BRASIL Jun/2014 – Set/2014.

 Key Account

To be responsible for consulting beverages of all establishments working with the brand in more than 15 cities in the state of Minas Gerais;

To ensure the standardization of product exposure in stores as well as the appropriate conditions of storage and use of equipment in lending;

To guide on trade issues : team of 10 consultants in beer for better customer relationship ensuring the proper planning and performance in day-to - day ;

To support the sales team, observing appearance and posture in attendance, and instruct them on sales approach techniques;

To do affirmations of validation and coverage of assisted institutions;

To evaluate the overall performance of the vendors, through indicators such as: inventory, sales, returns, orders, etc.

ABEA Australia Brazil Education Alliance Jul/2012 – Jun/2014.

 Key Account Senior

Support in meetings including those with the Minas Gerais Government, the Prefeitura Municipal Belo Horizonte and many institutes of higher education and other business organisations in Belo Horizonte and Minas Gerais. Developing strategies to develop and support the skills of 'front-line' workers in Brazil to improve the level of service in private and public businesses and organisations. The program has great potential for many service-based businesses in Minas Gerais.


 National Consultant



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